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Commands examples

If the namespace is not used then the commands will perform on top of the default database. bundle exec rake db:create bundle exec rake db:migrate

By using the namespace we are going to use all the configuration for our alternate DB. bundle exec rake store:db:create bundle exec rake store:db:migrate

wrtsprt / db_fixtures_dump.rake
Created January 18, 2021 14:08 — forked from ecleel/db_fixtures_dump.rake
Rails 5: Dump Rails db to fixtures
# Original from by MichaelBoutros
# Optimized version which uses to_yaml for content creation and checks
# that models are ActiveRecord::Base models before trying to fetch
# them from database.
namespace :db do
namespace :fixtures do
desc 'Dumps all models into fixtures.'
task :dump => :environment do
models = Dir.glob(Rails.root + 'app/models/**.rb').map do |s|