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xcloudx01 / ConvertTypeCase.ahk
Created June 6, 2017 06:56
AHK - Convert type case quickly
;CTL+L - convert to lowercase
;CTL+U - convert to uppercase
;CTL+K - invert the case (e.g. "The Big Dog" becomes "tHE bIG dOG")
;SHIFT+CTL+K - convert to capitalized (e.g. "the big dog" becomes "The Big Dog")
;SHIFT+CTL+U - convert to sentence case
^u:: ; Convert text to upper
StringUpper Clipboard, Clipboard
Sendinput %Clipboard%
xcloudx01 / DumpProcessList.ahk
Created June 6, 2017 04:21
AHK - Dump list of all running processes + monitor
#singleinstance force
xcloudx01 / Outline.mel
Created June 6, 2017 03:45
Maya - create an outline around current model
//Make sure the selection mode is set to object, and store the name of the object in a variable.
selectMode -object;
$OriginalItem = `ls -sl`;
//Duplicate the object and store its name in a variable.
duplicate -rr;
$DuplicatedItem = `ls -sl`;
//Select both the original and the duplicate object and apply a blendshape.
select -r $OriginalItem ;
select -add $DuplicatedItem ;
blendShape -frontOfChain;
xcloudx01 / CreateJiggleBone.mel
Created June 6, 2017 03:38
Maya - Create a jiggle bone (follows through with animation)
// Creates a jigglebone. Script by Draqen //
// The bone will be bound to a tri, animate the tri to influence the bone //
// 7:41PM Jan 12th 2016 //
//Generate a random number, rounded down.
$myrand = rand(100);
int $myint= (int) $myrand;
xcloudx01 /
Created June 6, 2017 03:34
3dsmax animate rotate objects 90° on all axis
//Creates animation moving the object(s) 90 degrees on x y z to help with skinning
macroScript AutoAnimatedSkinHelp
category:"Animation Tools"
frame = 0
sliderTime = 0f