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xcsrz /
Last active November 17, 2015 02:59
A bash function to get inside a running docker container ... still needs tweaking, requires nsenter ( )
getInside() {
# pass in a container ID
# This prints out export commands you can paste into the terminal once inside the container - not always needed
sudo docker inspect $CONTID | awk '/(PATTERN FOR ENV VARIABLES YOU CARE ABOUT)/ { gsub(/[",]/,"",$1); print "export " $1 } '
# Get the process ID
PID=$(sudo docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} $CONTID );
# Status message
echo "Entering container $CONTID with PID $PID";
# Enter the container
xcsrz /
Created July 18, 2014 19:07
This gets the information to identify the master node in Elasticsearch 0.90.*
curl -s "http://localhost:9200/_cluster/state?pretty=true&filter_metadata=true&filter_indices=true&filter_routing_table=true"
xcsrz /
Created November 3, 2014 18:39
Get a docker image from a remote host imported onto the localhost in the most direct way possible.
#### either replace $USERNAME, $DOCKERHOST and $IMAGENAME in the command
#### or adjust and use the following export commands before running this as a script
# export USERNAME=xcsrz
# export DOCKERHOST=
# export IMAGENAME=xcsrz/forth
ssh $USERNAME@$DOCKERHOST "sudo docker save $IMAGENAME | gzip -c" | gunzip -c | docker load
xcsrz / pageTimer.rb
Created November 5, 2014 20:23
Just a little script to time page requests (no assets, just the single URL). It runs via /usr/bin/ruby which is present on all macs and most posix systems these days. If you're using rvm you'll probably want to change that.
$url = ARGV[0]
$rounds = ARGV[1] || 10
loadTimes = []
puts "fetching page #{$rounds} times ..."
$rounds.to_i.times do
print "."
loadTimes << (`curl -w '%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null -s "#{$url}"`).to_f
xcsrz /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
If you run into a situation where you have thousands or tens of thousands of dead containers and you run the usual docker rm `docker ps -a -q` either docker will bomb saying too many arguments or you'll see that as the list of containers being killed grows the process slows down. It seems the docker process amasses all the open files until it's …
while [[ `docker ps -a -q | wc -l` -gt `docker ps -q | wc -l` ]]; do docker rm ` docker ps -a -q | head -n 25`; done
xcsrz / xknife
Created November 21, 2014 17:47
A script to help abbreviate knife commands.
require 'optparse'
envs = []
roles = []
user = ENV['XKNIFE_SSH_USER'] || nil
debug = false
xcsrz / GUID Regex
Created November 23, 2014 07:44
Shortest regex I know to match a guid (reliably)
xcsrz / elasticsearch-node-shard-counter.rb
Created January 7, 2015 19:13
Prints out how how many primary and secondary shards on each node in an Elasticsearch Cluster.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "json"
state = JSON.parse `curl localhost:9200/_cluster/state`
dets = {}
state["nodes"].each do |name, details|
dets[name] = { "name" => details["name"], "address" => details["transport_address"] }
xcsrz /
Created February 27, 2015 22:10
Quick access to a uuid generator using ruby inline
ruby -e 'require "securerandom"; print SecureRandom.uuid;'
xcsrz / mysql-logging.sql
Last active November 17, 2015 02:57
Query mysql logs
SET global general_log = 1;
SET global log_output = 'table';
-- and then
select * from mysql.general_log order by event_time desc