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Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis xekoukou

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let pack ls =
let buf = Buffer.create (List.length ls) in
let e = Uutf.encoder utf8 (`Buffer buf)
in let rec loop ls = match ls with
| [] -> Buffer.contents buf
| (c :: ls) -> print_string (Buffer.contents buf) ; let _ = Uutf.encode e (`Uchar c) in () ; loop ls
in loop ls
opam install malfunction
=-=- Synchronising pinned packages =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[malfunction] downloaded
The following actions will be performed:
∗ install zarith 1.7 [required by malfunction]
∗ install malfunction 0.2.1*
===== ∗ 2 =====
Do you want to continue ? [Y/n] y
module LinLogic
import public Syntax.PreorderReasoning
import public Data.Vect
import public Data.HVect
import public Prelude.Uninhabited
%access public export
module LinLogic
import public Syntax.PreorderReasoning
import public Data.Vect
import public Data.HVect
import public Prelude.Uninhabited
%access public export
module LinLogic
import public Syntax.PreorderReasoning
import public Data.Vect
import public Data.HVect
import public Prelude.Uninhabited
%access public export
module Main
%default total
data Test : Type where
OneC : Nat -> Test
TwoC : String -> Test
funT : Test -> Type
funT (OneC (S k)) = String
LDecl MkUnit LConstructor 0 0
LDecl io_bind LFun [] [{e0} {e1} {e2} {e3} {e4} w ]
LApp False
LV Glob {io_bind2} [
LV Glob {e0}
LV Glob {e1}
LV Glob {e2}
LV Glob {e3}
LV Glob {e4}
LV Glob w
xekoukou / sigma.idr
Created February 20, 2016 11:25
Doesn't typecheck
module Main
%default total
data Chat_State : Nat -> Type where
Ask_Name : Chat_State 3
Get_Name : (List String) -> Chat_State 2
Greet : (List String) -> Chat_State 1
End : (List String) -> Chat_State 0