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access path dependence

  • the problem of tree-structured data model: many ways to model the same data, if the model changed, API must change.
  • Structure 1. Projects Subordinate to Parts
    part: {
      part id
Employee: {
name: String
birthDate: Date
children: Table {
name: String
birthDate: Date
jobHistory: Table {
jobTitle: String
salaryHistory: Table {
- to control the complexity of something
is to imagine it as one
and to be able to actively re-shape it as will
-- to be able to design
xieyuheng /
Created December 7, 2017 12:53
fib server
def fib(n):
if n <= 2:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
- the challenge 1 -
write a module called ''
to implement a function called 'get_current_module'
that can pass the following assertion
import s1
import sys
程序之存在 若要劃歸到物理電信號之本質 其複雜性就超出了任何語言的描述了
正如二元論之 靈魂獨立與肉體
靈魂不能獨立與肉體而存在 但是靈魂也不能用肉體之物理與生理來解釋
兩個相同程序 在不同的操作系統上運行 所導致的物理現象完全不同
正如相同的疼痛 作用在不同的人身上 所形成的神經電信號之不同
GERMAN BANDS: (by a green haired girl)
- Subway to Sally
- Schandmaul
- Corvus Corax
- Feurer Schwanz
- Tanzwut
little did he know that this simple seemingly harmless invitation will led to his
imminent death
ten seconds in the stillness
ten seconds without the screen scrolls
under the streets he walks alone
he's waiting for the subway as tis a running poem
ten more seconds in the stillness
不知從其茫與 從其不茫與
茫與不茫 我必有所從乎 我必無所從乎
且夫不茫而從之者謂之顛 茫而從之者謂之癱
茫亦無所從 不茫亦無所從
茫與莫得所從 謂之習羽
習飛之隼 羽得其用也