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xiocode /
Created May 31, 2012 01:21 — forked from mayli/
Use a zipfile store a dict like k-v database
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Use a zipfile store a dict like k-v database.
# Known bug: duplicate key(filenames) allowed
# Copyright 2012 mayli <>
xiocode /
Created May 31, 2012 02:01 — forked from mayli/
A simple port multiplexer
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# author: mayli <>
# Modified from Pinhole, and the original code is found here:
# {{{ (r1)
usage: pinhole
xiocode / gist:3090669
Created July 11, 2012 14:20 — forked from tmc/gist:776364
simple multiprocessing gevent echo server
import sys
from gevent import server
from multiprocessing import Process, current_process, cpu_count
def note(format, *args):
sys.stderr.write('[%s]\t%s\n' % (current_process().name, format%args))
def echo(socket, address):
print 'New connection from %s:%s' % address
xiocode / gist:3090710
Created July 11, 2012 14:26 — forked from creotiv/gist:1217855
Multicore gevent wsgi server
import sys
from gevent import server
from gevent.baseserver import _tcp_listener
from gevent import pywsgi
from gevent.monkey import patch_all; patch_all()
from multiprocessing import Process, current_process, cpu_count
def hello_world(env, start_response):
if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/':
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
xiocode /
Created July 18, 2012 02:56 — forked from syshack/
mysql bak
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## {{{ (r8)
# This class provides the functionality we want. You only need to look at
# this if you want to know how this works. It only needs to be defined
# once, no need to muck around with its internals.
class switch(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.fall = False
def __iter__(self):
import gevent
from gevent.event import AsyncResult
import gevent.pool
import gevent.queue
class WorkerQueue(object):
def __init__(self): = gevent.pool.Group()
self.q = gevent.queue.Queue()
root@xio:~# ab -n 1000 -c 100
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
Benchmarking (be patient)
Completed 100 requests
Completed 200 requests
Completed 300 requests
Completed 400 requests
package main
import (
type Item string
type Stream chan Item
type Acc string
xiocode / gist:5468519
Created April 26, 2013 16:22
根据 struct 的 一个 filed 获取 struct 的指针!
import (
type A struct {
data string
e int