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Created March 15, 2017 09:19
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convert yolo cfg file to caffe prototxt file. If there are different definitions of `reorg` and `region` layer params, change the code.
# convert yolo cfg file to caffe prototxt file
import sys
import argparse
TYPES = ["Conv", "ReLU", "Pool", "Route", "Reorg", "Region"]
ACTIVATION_TYPES = ['leaky', 'linear']
layer_names = [];
def HasConflictNameError(conflicted_name):
print 'Error! The layer name \"{}\" has been in the list.'.format(conflicted_name)
print 'layer name list:'
print ', '.join(layer_names)
def HasBracketDismatchError(content):
print 'in the content: {}, brackets are not found or dismatch'.format(content)
def HasTypeDismatchError(content, type_string):
print 'in the content: {}, cannot find type: {}'.format(content, type_string)
def get_substring_location(line, sub):
"""get start and end index of substring
`s, e = get_substring_location(line, sub)`
then,`line[s:e] == sub`
pos = line.find(sub)
if pos == -1:
return -1, -1
return pos, pos + len(sub)
class ConvParam(object):
def __init__(self, out_filters, kernel_size=3, stride=1, pad=0, train=False):
self.num_output = out_filters
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.stride = stride
self.pad = pad
def __str__(self):
return """convolution_param {{
\t\tnum_output: {}
\t\tkernel_size: {}
\t\tpad: {}
\t\tstride: {}
\t}}""".format(self.num_output, self.kernel_size, self.pad, self.stride)
class Layer(object):
"""Base class for layers in the network"""
def __init__(self, section, idx):
self.idx = idx
# remove all the whitespace from the string
self.configs = map(lambda x: x.strip().replace(' ', ''), filter(None, section))
def check(self):
"""do some check"""
title = self.configs[0]
l, r = title.find('['), title.find(']')
if l == -1 or r == -1:
if title[l+1:r] != self.type_string:
HasTypeDismatchError(title, self.type_string)
def print_configs(self):
"""print configs info"""
print '=' * 40
print '\n'.join(self.configs)
print '=' * 40
def get_int_config(self, mark, config_name = None, necessary = True):
"""get config parameter which is `int` type
params: mark -> substring to find
config_name -> config parameter name. if not given, use `mark`
necessary -> if necessary and cannot find the desired config,
program exit directly
for line in self.configs[1:]:
s, e = get_substring_location(line, mark)
if s != -1:
return int(line[e:])
if necessary:
if config_name is None:
config_name = mark[:-1]
print 'Error! cannot find config `{}` in configs:'.format(config_name)
return 0
def get_string_config(self, mark, config_name = None, necessary = True):
""""get config parameter which is `string` type"""
for line in self.configs[1:]:
s, e = get_substring_location(line, mark)
if s != -1:
return line[e:]
def __str__(self):
"""string representation"""
return ""
class DataLayer(object):
"""data layer"""
def __init__(self, height, width, batch_size=1, channels=3):
self.type_string = 'data' = 'data'
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.channels = channels
def __str__(self):
ret = """input: "data"
input_dim: {}
input_dim: {}
input_dim: {}
input_dim: {}\n""".format(self.batch_size, self.channels, self.height, self.width)
return ret
class ConvLayerUnit(Layer):
"""Conv-BN-ReLU uint"""
def __init__(self, section, idx, prev_layers):
"""initialization using block content"""
assert len(prev_layers) == 1
self.type_string = 'convolutional'
Layer.__init__(self, section, idx) = self.use_bn()
self.out_filters = self.get_filter_number()
self.stride = self.get_stride()
self.kernel_size = self.get_kernel_size()
self.pad = self.get_pad()
self.activation_type = self.get_activation_type() = 'conv_bn_relu_{}'.format(self.idx)
if isinstance(prev_layers[0], DataLayer):
self.input_blob_name = 'data'
assert isinstance(prev_layers[0], Layer)
self.input_blob_name = prev_layers[0].output_blob_name
self.output_blob_name = 'conv_{}'.format(self.idx)
self.conv_name = 'conv_{}'.format(self.idx)
if self.conv_name in layer_names:
self.bn_name = 'bn_{}'.format(self.conv_name)
if self.bn_name in layer_names:
self.scale_name = 'scale_{}'.format(self.conv_name)
if self.scale_name in layer_names:
self.relu_name = 'relu_{}'.format(self.conv_name)
if self.relu_name in layer_names:
def use_bn(self):
"""use batch normalization or not"""
ret = self.get_int_config('batch_normalize=', necessary=False)
assert ret == 0 or ret == 1
return ret == 1
def get_filter_number(self):
"""get output filter number"""
return self.get_int_config('filters=')
def get_kernel_size(self):
"""get kernel size of the filter"""
return self.get_int_config('size=')
def get_stride(self):
"""get stride"""
return self.get_int_config('stride=')
def get_pad(self):
"""get padding size"""
return self.get_int_config('pad=')
def get_activation_type(self):
"""get non-linear activation type"""
ret = self.get_string_config('activation=')
assert ret in ACTIVATION_TYPES
return ret
def str_conv_layer(self):
param = ConvParam(self.out_filters, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.pad, False)
ret = """layer {{
\tname: "{}"
\ttype: "Convolution"
\tbottom: "{}"
\ttop: "{}"
}}""".format(self.input_blob_name, self.output_blob_name, self.conv_name, str(param));
return ret;
def str_relu_layer(self):
if self.activation_type == 'leaky':
relu_param = """relu_param{
\t\tnegative_slope: 0.1
elif self.activation_type == 'linear':
relu_param = ""
ret = """layer {{
\tname: "{}"
\ttype: "ReLU"
\tbottom: "{}"
\ttop: "{}"
}}\n""".format(self.relu_name, self.output_blob_name, self.output_blob_name, relu_param)
return ret
def str_bn_layer(self):
if not
return ""
bn_str = """layer {{
\tname: "{}"
\ttype: "BatchNorm"
\tbottom: "{}"
\ttop: "{}"
}}\n""".format(self.bn_name, self.output_blob_name, self.output_blob_name)
scale_str = """layer {{
\tname: "{}"
\ttype: "Scale"
\tbottom: "{}"
\ttop: "{}"
\tscale_param {{
\t\tbias_term: true
}}\n""".format(self.scale_name, self.output_blob_name, self.output_blob_name)
return bn_str + scale_str
def __str__(self):
"""the presentation in protobuf style"""
start = "\n#--- {} --- start\n".format(self.conv_name)
end = '#--- {} --- end\n'.format(self.conv_name)
return start + self.str_conv_layer() + '\n' + self.str_bn_layer() + '\n' + self.str_relu_layer() + end
class Poolayer(Layer):
def __init__(self, section, idx, prev_layers):
assert len(prev_layers) == 1
self.type_string = 'maxpool'
Layer.__init__(self, section, idx) = 'pool_{}'.format(idx)
self.input_blob_name = prev_layers[0].output_blob_name
self.output_blob_name = 'pool_{}'.format(idx)
self.stride = self.get_int_config('stride=')
self.kernel_size = self.get_int_config('size=')
def __str__(self):
return """\nlayer {{
\tname: "{}"
\ttype: "Pooling"
\tbottom: "{}"
\ttop: "{}"
\tpooling_param {{
\t\tpool: MAX
\t\tkernel_size: {}
\t\tstride: {}
}}\n""".format(, self.input_blob_name, self.output_blob_name, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
class ReorgLayer(Layer):
def __init__(self, section, idx, prev_layers):
assert len(prev_layers) == 1
self.type_string = 'reorg'
Layer.__init__(self, section, idx) = 'reorg_{}'.format(idx)
self.input_blob_name = prev_layers[0].output_blob_name
self.output_blob_name = 'reorg_{}'.format(self.input_blob_name)
self.stride = self.get_int_config('stride=')
self.reverse = False
def __str__(self):
reverse_item = '\n\t\treverse:true\n' if self.reverse else ''
return """\nlayer {{
\tname: "{}"
\ttype: "Reorg"
\tbottom: "{}"
\ttop: "{}"
\treorg_param {{
\t\tstride: 2{}
}}\n""".format(, self.input_blob_name, self.output_blob_name, reverse_item)
class RouteLayer(Layer):
def __init__(self, section, idx, prev_layers):
self.type_string = 'route'
Layer.__init__(self, section, idx) = 'concat_{}'.format(idx)
concated_layers = []
layer_idx = map(lambda x: int(x), self.get_string_config('layers=').split(','))
for i in layer_idx:
self.input_blob_name = [x.output_blob_name for x in concated_layers]
self.output_blob_name = 'concat_{}'.format(idx)
def __str__(self):
base = """\nlayer {{
\tname: "{}"
\ttype: "Concat\n""".format(
for x in self.input_blob_name:
bottom = '\tbottom: \"{}\"\n'.format(x)
base += bottom
top = """\ttop: "{}"
return base + top
class RegionLayer(Layer):
def __init__(self, section, prev_layers):
assert len(prev_layers) == 1
self.type_string = 'region'
Layer.__init__(self, section, 0) = 'region'
self.input_blob_name = prev_layers[0].output_blob_name
self.output_blob_name = 'region'
self.classes = self.get_int_config('classes=')
self.coords = self.get_int_config('coords=')
self.boxes_of_each_grid = self.get_int_config('num=')
self.softmax = self.get_int_config('softmax=') == 1
self.thresh = float(self.get_string_config('thresh='))
self.anchors = self.get_anchors()
def get_anchors(self):
anchors = map(lambda x: float(x), self.get_string_config('anchors=').split(','))
assert len(anchors) == self.boxes_of_each_grid * 2
return anchors
def __str__(self):
softmax_item = '\n\t\tsoftmax: true\n' if self.softmax else ''
anchor_item = ""
for i in xrange(self.boxes_of_each_grid):
pw, ph = self.anchors[2*i], self.anchors[2*i+1]
anchor_item += '\t\tanchor_coords {{pw: {} ph: {}}}\n'.format(pw, ph)
base = """\nlayer {{
\tname: "{}"
\ttype: "Region"
\tbottom: "{}"
\ttop: "{}"
\tregion_param {{
\t\tclasses: {}
\t\tcoords: {}
\t\tboxes_of_each_grid: {}{}\t\tthres: {}
}}\n""".format(, self.input_blob_name, self.output_blob_name,
self.classes, self.coords, self.boxes_of_each_grid, softmax_item,
self.thresh, anchor_item)
return base
class Net(object):
def __init__(self, sections, net_name): = net_name
self.sections = sections
self.layer_list = [DataLayer(416, 416, 1, 3)]
self.conv_count = 0
self.pooling_count = 0
self.reorg_count = 0
self.route_count = 0
i = 0
while i < len(sections):
if sections[i].find('[convolutional]') != -1:
# find conv-bn-relu unit
# we try to find another conv unit
j = self.find_next_layer(i)
if j == -1:
print 'Error! conv cannot be the last layer in the net.'
self.conv_count+1, [self.layer_list[-1]]))
self.conv_count += 1
i = j
if sections[i].find('[maxpool]') != -1:
# find kax pooling layer
# we try to find the next one
j = self.find_next_layer(i)
if j == -1:
print 'Error! maxpool cannot be the last layer in the net.'
self.pooling_count+1, [self.layer_list[-1]]))
self.pooling_count += 1
i = j
if sections[i].find('[reorg]') != -1:
# find reorg layer
j = self.find_next_layer(i)
if j == -1:
print 'Error! reorg layer cannot be the last layer in the net.'
self.reorg_count+1, [self.layer_list[-1]]))
self.reorg_count += 1
i = j
if sections[i].find('[route]') != -1:
j = self.find_next_layer(i)
if j == -1:
print 'Error! route layer cannot be the last layer in the net.'
route_layer = RouteLayer(sections[i:j],
self.route_count+1, self.layer_list)
self.route_count += 1
i = j
if sections[i].find('[region]') != -1:
j = self.find_next_layer(i)
if j != -1:
print 'Error! region layer should be the last layer in the net.'
self.layer_list.append(RegionLayer(sections[i:j], [self.layer_list[-1]]))
i += 1
def find_next_layer(self, start):
idx = start + 1
while idx < len(self.sections):
if self.sections[idx].find('[') != -1:
idx += 1
if idx == len(self.sections):
print 'Reach the end of the file.'
return -1
return idx
def __str__(self):
ret = 'name: \"{}\"\n'.format(
for layer in self.layer_list:
ret += str(layer)
return ret
def parse_args():
"""parse input arguments"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='yolo cfg -> caffe prototxt')
parser.add_argument('--cfg', dest='cfg_file', help='file name of yolo cfg file')
parser.add_argument('--out', dest='out_file', help='file name of generated caffe prototxt')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def main():
args = parse_args()
yolo_cfg = args.cfg_file
protofile = args.out_file
with open(yolo_cfg, 'r') as f:
sections = f.readlines()
sections = filter(lambda x: x != '\n', sections)
net = Net(sections, 'net')
with open(protofile, 'w') as f:
f.write('# auto generated by\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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