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Pietro Di Bello xpepper

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class Case < ActiveRecord::Base
include Eventable
has_many :tasks
concerning :Assignment do
def assign_to(new_owner:, details:)
transaction do
xpepper / CI
Last active April 17, 2022 12:41
CI, alternative a confronto :-)

Continuous Integration - Know your opportunities

Continuous Integration in a nutshell

Continuous Integration (CI) is an important practice every team should adopt in order to detect defects and errors early and solve integration problems easily. Roughly speaking we may say that CI is a practice that allows the growth of solid software by giving greater confidence to the developers and better products to the final customers.

The concept behind CI is fairly simple: the codebase is owned by several developers that continuously integrate their changes to a common version control system. For each integration the system runs a predefined set of tasks automatically; these tasks may vary from running all the tests to building all the components.

ValentinaServile /
Last active May 2, 2023 14:00
Appunti sui principi del Clean Code

Clean Code ITA


  • Tutte le variabili, costanti, funzioni, classi etc devono avere un nome significativo. Se il nome ha bisogno di un commento per essere spiegato non è abbastanza significativo.

  • Sono da evitare nomi che possano sviare dal vero significato della variabile

acolyer /
Last active January 30, 2024 17:39
Internet Scale Services Checklist

Internet Scale Services Checklist

A checklist for designing and developing internet scale services, inspired by James Hamilton's 2007 paper "On Desgining and Deploying Internet-Scale Services."

Basic tenets

  • Does the design expect failures to happen regularly and handle them gracefully?
  • Have we kept things as simple as possible?
iamatypeofwalrus /
Last active February 11, 2019 10:17
Generate ctags for Atom (or for any other reason) on Mac os X


Atom can automagically picks up any tags file in your current directory which enables you to:

  • shift+cmd+r search for any function in your project
  • alt+cmd+down GoTo a function declaration


Get brew if you don't already have it. Then:

brew install ctags

xpepper /
Created June 3, 2015 14:17
whiteboard effect
convert "$1" -morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1 "$2"%
node {
def maven32 = docker.image('maven:3.2-jdk-7-onbuild');
stage 'Mirror'
// First make sure the slave has this image.
// (If you could set your registry below to mirror Docker Hub,
// this would be unnecessary as maven32.inside would pull the image.)
// We are pushing to a private secure docker registry in this demo.
leonardofed /
Last active June 10, 2024 15:36
A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of awesome AWS resources you need to prepare for the all 5 AWS Certifications. This gist will include: open source repos, blogs & blogposts, ebooks, PDF, whitepapers, video courses, free lecture, slides, sample test and many other resources.

pdincau /
Last active April 1, 2024 14:22
Study Path on microservices