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William Melody xwmx

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# Calendar helper with proper events
# (C) 2009 James S Urquhart (jamesu at gmail dot com)
# Derived from calendar_helper
# (C) Jeremy Voorhis, Geoffrey Grosenbach, Jarkko Laine, Tom Armitage, Bryan Larsen
# Licensed under MIT.
xwmx / gist:60808
Created February 9, 2009 14:47 — forked from wmoxam/gist:37525
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Be sure to configure this node in the plugin configuration
# Memory stats must be run by root
# Ex:
# [passenger_memory]
# user root
# env.memory_stats_command path_to_passenger-memory-stats
xwmx / httpdump
Created April 4, 2009 03:14 — forked from peterc/httpdump
# Monitor HTTP requests being made from your machine with a one-liner..
# Replace "en1" below with your network interface's name (usually en0 or en1)
sudo tcpdump -i en1 -n -s 0 -w - | grep -a -o -E "Host\: .*|GET \/.*"
# OR.. to be able to use as "httpdump" from anywhere, drop this into ~/.bash_profile:
# (again replace "en1" with correct network interface name)
alias httpdump="sudo tcpdump -i en1 -n -s 0 -w - | grep -a -o -E "Host\: .*|GET \/.*""
# All the above tested only on OS X.
xwmx / urlmonitor
Created April 29, 2009 15:12 — forked from peterc/urlmonitor
# urlmonitor - print out the URLs requested system wide on the main network interface
# Accept a network interface name as an optional argument
iface = ARGV.first
# No interface specified? Try to guess which one is king..
unless iface
`ifconfig -l`.split.each do |iface|
next if iface =~ /^lo/
break if `ifconfig #{iface}` =~ /inet (0|1|2)/
# first you'll want to create a gist then `git clone` the private url
# second you'll want to run this script in the gist's directory
loop do
`git commit -a -m save && git push origin master`
sleep 60 * 4
xwmx / #
Created August 8, 2009 15:44 — forked from rmanalan/gist:161461
script/generate plugin HelloWorld
# vendor/plugins/hello_world/init.rb
Rails.configuration.gem "sinatra"
Rails.configuration.middleware.insert_before("ActionController::Failsafe", "HelloWorld")
# vendor/plugins/hello_world/lib/hello_world.rb
# your sinatra app goes here...
require 'sinatra/base'
class HelloWorld < Sinatra::Base
require 'net/dns/resolver'
# Custom Domain
# Require net-dns gem
# A Rack middleware to to resolve the custom domain to original subdomain
# for your multi telent application.
# It's all transperant to your application, it performs cname lookup and
xwmx / info
Created November 22, 2009 19:23 — forked from mikeal/large_doc.json
module HTML
class StathamSanitizer < WhiteListSanitizer
def tokenize(text, options) do |token|
if token.is_a?(HTML::Tag) && options[:parent].include?(
token.to_s.gsub(/</, "&lt;")
xwmx / url_dsl.rb
Created December 14, 2009 20:01 — forked from defunkt/url_dsl.rb
require 'open-uri'
# url dsl -- the ultimate url dsl!
# You just can't beat this:
# $ irb -r url_dsl
# >> include URLDSL
# => Object
# >>