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(* nが偶数の時nat,奇数の時boolを返す *)
Fixpoint tf (n:nat):Set:=
match n with
| O => nat
| S O => bool
| S (S n0) => tf n0
(* 上と同じものを再定義 *)
Fixpoint tf2 (n:nat):Set:=
match n with
xyx-is / Coq_match_strange_error.v
Created March 11, 2013 06:39
tmpの定義には成功しているのに、なぜか普通のパターンマッチtmp2でエラーが出る ( Coq 8.4 (August 2012) )
Inductive vect (a:Set) :forall b:Type, a -> b -> Type:=
| vnilt (x:a) b (y:b) : vect a b x y.
Definition tmp:=vnilt nat 1 bool true.
Check tmp. (* vect nat bool 1 true *)
Definition tmp2:nat :=match tmp with z => 1 end. (* error *)