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yannski /
Created February 2, 2015 09:35
Motorola et pré-Motorola


  1. Qu'est-ce qui s'est bien passé ?
  2. Qu'est-ce qui s'est moins bien passé ?
  3. Qu'est-ce que j'ai appris ?
  4. Qu'est-ce que je vais mettre en action ?


  1. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait bien se passer ?
[2014-06-11 14:23:20.804198976 +0200 CEST][web-2] I, [2014-06-11T12:23:20.801647 #11] INFO -- : Processing by Home::AppsController#index as HTML
[2014-06-11 14:23:20.806298925 +0200 CEST][web-2] I, [2014-06-11T12:23:20.803764 #11] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2ms
[2014-06-11 14:23:20.809056384 +0200 CEST][web-2] F, [2014-06-11T12:23:20.806678 #11] FATAL -- :
[2014-06-11 14:23:20.809180906 +0200 CEST][web-2] NameError (uninitialized constant Moped::BSON):
[2014-06-11 14:23:20.809238286 +0200 CEST][web-2] vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/activesupport-4.0.5/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:241:in `const_get'
[2014-06-11 14:23:20.809710499 +0200 CEST][web-2] vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/activesupport-4.0.5/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:241:in `block in constantize'
[2014-06-11 14:23:20.809751505 +0200 CEST][web-2] vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/activesupport-4.0.5/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:224:in `each'
[2014-06-11 14:23:20.809769198 +0200 CEST][web-2] v
[2013-09-26 18:19:00.981865016 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /js/services.js 304 1ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:00.98876848 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /js/controllers.js 304 1ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:01.047985833 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /css/flat-ui.css 304 1ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:01.056635848 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /css/site.css 304 1ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:01.066113465 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /js/directives.js 304 0ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:01.103325263 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /img/logo_invata.png 304 0ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:01.110793105 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /img/redkiwi-logo.png 304 1ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:01.116969877 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /img/en.png 304 1ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:01.12308628 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /img/fr.png 304 0ms
[2013-09-26 18:19:01.212379373 +0200 CEST][web-0] GET /js/lib/ckeditor/ckeditor.js 304 0ms
yannski@laptop:~/Bureau/workspace/TVGuide$ wget
--2013-09-30 10:27:19--
Résolution de (, 2001:41d0:8:6174::1
Connexion vers (||:80... connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse... 200 OK
Taille : 524718 (512K) [application/javascript]
Enregistre : «vendor-a4f0641ffc06692f99d744ee4ba10c2e.js»
4% [=======> ] 24 290 --.-K/s ds 65s
yannski@laptop:~/Bureau/workspace/TVGuide$ git push origin master && git push appsdeck master
Everything up-to-date
Counting objects: 51, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (30/30), done.
Writing objects: 100% (31/31), 2.93 KiB, done.
Total 31 (delta 24), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: <-- Starting deployment hook -->
remote: Start building application tvguide
yannski / fetedelamusique.xml
Last active December 17, 2015 18:49
Appel à projet open data autour de la fête de la musique de la Ville de Strasbourg (plus d'infos
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<lineup xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0" lang="fr">
<band url="">
<genre>Pop Rock</genre>
<description>Pour cette 32e édition de la fête de la musique, nous vous invitons à vous exprimer lors de cette grande fête conviviale et populaire.La fête de la musique est la fête de tous les musiciens, à vous de créer la surprise. Sur une scène, un podium, au coin de la rue, à une fenêtre ou depuis votre balcon : le vendredi 21 juin prochain, la musique sera partout.</description>
/* Font Awesome
* the iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap
* -------------------------------------------------------
* The full suite of pictographic icons, examples, and documentation
* can be found at:
* License
* -------------------------------------------------------
* The Font Awesome webfont, CSS, and LESS files are licensed under CC BY 3.0:
* A mention of
yannski / mongoid_monkey_patch.rb
Created August 30, 2012 10:19
order results from a mongoid relations according to how they are stored in the relationship array of ids
# place this file in your initializers directory to have a nice to_ordered_a method to be able to retrieve an array ordered according to the order of the *_ids source.
# why doing this ? Because MongoDB allows to store array of objects. An array is not only a nice structure to store ids, it also implies that the ids are stored in a certain order. By default when you call relations in mongoid, the objects are returned in some order (certainly defined by the order of creation), not the order stores in your target array of ids.
module Mongoid #:nodoc:
module Relations #:nodoc:
class Many
def to_ordered_a
original_array_ids = base.send metadata.key.to_sym
original_array_indexes = Hash[original_array_ids.each_with_index.to_a]
target.sort_by{ |s| original_array_indexes[] }
yannski / copy.rb
Created July 4, 2012 08:32
Copy from one Amazon S3 bucket to another with two different accounts
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'right_aws'
# it's possible to copy files from one bucket to another, even it the account is not the same
# in that case, the original file should be public
srcBkt = 'XXX'
destBkt = 'YYY'
yannski / movies.json
Created June 29, 2012 18:20
[{"id":"4fede17c312f912796000034","cover_url":null,"description":null,"rating":6.3,"title":"L'affaire Gordji, histoire d'une cohabitation"},{"id":"4fede17f312f912796000035","cover_url":null,"description":"Documentary telling the true story of the sinking of the liner Laconia by a German U-boat in 1942 through the eyes of six survivors.","rating":6.8,"title":"Le naufrage du Laconia - partie 1"},{"id":"4fede181312f912796000036","cover_url":null,"description":"Documentary telling the true story of the sinking of the liner Laconia by a German U-boat in 1942 through the eyes of six survivors.","rating":6.8,"title":"Le naufrage du Laconia - partie 2"},{"id":"4fede184312f912796000037","cover_url":"","description":"The extraordinary story of three Rwandan kids who walk 3000 miles to the Soccer World Cup in South Africa...","rating":6.2,"title":"Africa United"},{"id":"4fede186312f912796000038","cover_url":"http://ia.