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#0 0x000000000049aa9b in rock_middle_Type__Type_refToPointer (this=0x0) at source/rock/middle/Type.ooc:142
#1 0x00000000004a90eb in rock_middle_FunctionCall__FunctionCall_suggest_impl (this=0x224a3f0, candidate=0x288ddd0, res=0xbdf140, trail=0x18057e0) at source/rock/middle/FunctionCall.ooc:196
#2 0x00000000004af88e in rock_middle_FunctionCall__FunctionCall_suggest (this=0x224a3f0, candidate=0x288ddd0, res=0xbdf140, trail=0x18057e0) at source/rock/middle/FunctionCall.ooc:1358
#3 0x00000000004a422b in rock_middle_TypeDecl__TypeDecl_resolveCall_impl (this=0x242b870, call=0x224a3f0, res=0xbdf140, trail=0x18057e0) at source/rock/middle/TypeDecl.ooc:743
#4 0x00000000004a5450 in rock_middle_TypeDecl__TypeDecl_resolveCall (this=0x242b870, call=0x224a3f0, res=0xbdf140, trail=0x18057e0) at source/rock/middle/TypeDecl.ooc:1066
#5 0x00000000004a9ee9 in rock_middle_FunctionCall__FunctionCall_resolve_impl (this=0x224a3f0, trail=0x18057e0, res=0xbdf140) at source/rock/middle/FunctionCall.ooc:352
#6 0x000000000049763
- Resolving call to instanceOf (ref = (nil))
resolving arg WriteableEntity
Resolving call this instanceOf(WriteableEntity)
Got tDecl ClassDecl Entity, resolving, meta = ClassDecl EntityClass
====> Search this instanceOf(WriteableEntity) in EntityClass (which has 9 functions)
- Got Entity init!
A: class {
foo: String
init: func(=foo) {
B: class extends A {
init: func {
A: class <T> {
foo: T
init: func(=foo) {
B: class extends A<Int> {
- Resolving call to init (ref = (nil))
Resolving call this init()
Got tDecl ClassDecl B, resolving, meta = ClassDecl BClass
====> Search this init() in BClass (which has 4 functions)
- Got staticB new -> B!
- Got B init!
- Resolving call to init (ref = B init(T))
resolving arg foo
Resolving call this init(foo)
Got tDecl ClassDecl B, resolving, meta = ClassDecl BClass
====> Search this init(foo) in BClass (which has 4 functions)
- Got staticB new(T) -> B!
A: class <T> {
foo: T
init: func(=foo) {
B: class extends A<Int> {
init: func(.foo) {
main: func {
foo := "pants"
for (elem in foo findAll("a")) {
foo := "meep"
./pipe.ooc:4:18 ERROR No such function
for (elem in foo findAll("a")) {
2010-11-24 05:21:58 [WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.NullPointerException
at dx.A(SourceFile:831)
at jg.a(SourceFile:62)
at hb.a(SourceFile:126)
at bi.a(SourceFile:218)
at jg.a(SourceFile:35)
at dq.a(SourceFile:85)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:269)