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'should_not include(expected) should fail if target includes expected' FAILED
expected Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError with "expected {:key => 'value'} not to include :key", got #<Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError: expected {:key=>"value"} not to include :key>
### so I change some stuff
'should_not include(expected) should fail if target includes expected' FAILED
<fowlduck> i hate yagni crap
*** guitsaru_ (n=guitsaru@ has joined channel #github
*** guitsaru_ is now known as guitsaru
*** Signoff: ben_h ("the goggles, they do nothing")
*** technicalpickles (n=technica@ has joined channel #github
*** Signoff: alloy_ (Remote closed the connection)
*** Signoff: alloy (Remote closed the connection)
<cardioid> fowlduck: hmm?
<fowlduck> wrong channel to say it in
<fowlduck> nvm
Can I do this?
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
describe Admin::UsersController do
before :each do
@model_name = 'User'
@model_plural = @model_name.downcase.pluralize
@model_singular = @model_plural.singularize
@plural_path = "admin_#{@model_plural}"
Yossef Mendelssohn moved to Nashville for work in August of aught-six and
was lucky enough to be right by the premier swing dance studio of the day,
Vintage Rhythm. He finally got around to starting lessons in January, and
since he knew hardly anyone and had nearly nothing to do, he kept on taking
all the lessons he could for several months. At some point, Aba and Reuel
got sick of seeing Yossef all the time and closed the studio down.
After about half a year of taking constant lessons and not doing much
outside of class, Yossef realized he should start dancing socially. Then
came travel to other dance scenes, workshop weekends, exchanges, and
require 'rubygems'
require 'bacon'
require 'facon'
class Crystal
def meth
tell application "Caffeine" to turn on
set volume alert volume 0
def delegated_method_approach_1
if thing
def delegated_method_approach_1b
thing ? thing.meth : other_val
Course goals:
Lead/follow concepts --- connection, frame, posture
Some social dancing concepts --- move transitions
8-count moves: swingout, swingout from closed, lindy circle, swingout turns (free spin, outside, inside)
6-count moves: tuck turn, right-side pass (inside turn), send out, bring in
1 - demo, talk, history
go over frame, posture, pulse, weight changes