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Becky Yoose yo-bj

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A few thoughts on
- It depends on what type of library staff we are envisioning for this tweet. Agency among the different levels of library workers differs. Though some might say that library workers overall have less agency than other workers in other organizations, support staff have less agency in terms of skills development in the workplace. Giving support staff the agency needed to begin and continue technical skills development is one place to start.
- Since we already know that the 80/20 rule is a myth (the reality is 120%), creating an environment that fosters skills development means taking a serious look at either dropping or shifting duties and responsibilities to create the time needed to support an environment without going over 100% time commitments.
- If the library is part of a larger organization, then creating this environment gets even harder, especially when the library itself doesn't have full control over its operations. Not

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Last active February 14, 2018 20:42
First draft for community consideration - How to Code4Lib 2.0

how to code4lib v 2.0

  • v 1.0 "How to hack code4lib" by Declan Fleming, Director of IT, UCSD Libraries (BigD in channel), heavily edited by the community
  • v 2.0 sources: v 1.0 from Code4Lib; "Social Rules" and "Programmer Community Issues" from Write The Docs

Working draft for consideration by the community. This will eventually be placed in a pull request in the CodeOfConduct4Lib [CoC4Lib] repository. ~yo_bj

[todo - table of contents?]

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Cranberry Pie
From the 1941 cookbook of The Infant Welfare Circle of the King’s Daughters, Appleton, WI
2 C halved cranberries
1 1/2 C white sugar
3/4 C water
1 heaping t tapioca
1/4 t salt
1 T butter