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On virtual spaces (for scientific conferences)

The title is a bit broad. What I am going to write about is I complained quite a bit re how recent conferences used the gather platform. Here I try to be more constructive, and explain why I think things were bad, and also how I think they can be improved (substantially).

I think is a fantastic interface, and I think it was mis-used or mal-used in some recent xACL conferences (EACL 2021, EMNLP 2020). It is really disappointing, as there is so much potential, which was not only left unfulfilled, but even in some cases was worse than not having gather at all. This post will try to explain what I think was bad, and how I think things can be improved.

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"# 4gram language models share secrets too...\n",
"_Yoav Goldberg, 28 Feb, 2018._\n",
"In [a recent research paper]( titled \"The Secret Sharer:\n",
import sys
import numpy as np
import random
sys.argv += ["--dynet-mem", "1000", "--dynet-seed", "10", "--dynet-gpu-ids" , "1" ]
from dynet import *
import sys
import numpy as np
import random
sys.argv += ["--dynet-mem", "1000", "--dynet-seed", "10", "--dynet-gpu-ids" , "1" ]
from dynet import *
yoavg / ACL.js
Created September 9, 2015 08:07
Updated the zotero ACL translator to include titles as well as author names in selection list.
"translatorID": "f4a5876a-3e53-40e2-9032-d99a30d7a6fc",
"label": "ACL",
"creator": "Nathan Schneider, Yoav Goldberg",
"target": "^https?://(www[.])?aclweb\\.org/anthology/[^#]+",
"minVersion": "1.0.8",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
175504 אז
182482 יום
198859 טוב
202605 את
204134 כמה
220754 בוקר
230920 לילה
244401 רק
245847 עוד
261671 מי