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require 'date'
module ONIX
class DateType < ROXML::XMLRef # ::nodoc::
attr_reader :cdata, :content
def initialize(accessor, args, &block)
super(accessor, args, &block)
@content = args.content?
[jh@gaz rba_staff_site (master)]$ rake ts:index --trace
(in /home/jh/git/rba_staff_site)
** Invoke ts:index (first_time)
** Invoke thinking_sphinx:index (first_time)
** Invoke thinking_sphinx:app_env (first_time)
** Execute thinking_sphinx:app_env
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute thinking_sphinx:index
Generating Configuration to /home/jh/git/rba_staff_site/config/development.sphinx.conf
yob / gist:71318
Created February 27, 2009 06:17
rails init script that checks for fresh gem versions
# *************************************
# A handy initiliser that logs when the loaded version of
# Rails or a gem dependency is out of date. The notice is
# non-fatal (often we want it to be out of date). I often
# forget which version of a gem my apps are using, and
# don't notice when there is a newer version available.
# Only really makes sense on Rails >= 2.1, where initialisers
# and gem dependencies first appeared. Drop this file in
# config/initializers/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FromCompany>HarperCollins Publishers</FromCompany>
<ToCompany>Australian Booksellers Association</ToCompany>
require "rubygems"
gem "libxml-ruby", "1.1.2"
require "libxml"
file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","data","entities.xml")
reader = LibXML::XML::Reader.file(file)
def read_next(reader)
if ( == "Header" || == "Product") && reader.node_type == LibXML::XML::Reader::TYPE_ELEMENT
require 'rubygems'
require 'prawn'
Prawn::Document.generate "autoprint.pdf" do |pdf|
# Build the script we want to execute when the document opens
script = <<-EOF
var pp = this.getPrintParams();
pp.interactive = pp.constants.interactionLevel.silent;
>> ed = Edition.find(1)
=> #<Edition id: 1, work_id: 469942, ean: "9781857230765", name: "Eye of the World(1) :Wheel Of Time Series">
=> [#<Edition id: 1, work_id: 469942, ean: "9781857230765", name: "Eye of the World(1) :Wheel Of Time Series">]
=> []
>> ed.update_attributes(:ean => "9781857230764")
Sphinx 0.9.8-release (r1371)
Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Andrew Aksyonoff
[jh@gaz rba_staff_site (master)]$ rake ts:config --trace
(in /home/jh/git/rba_staff_site)
** Invoke ts:config (first_time)
** Invoke thinking_sphinx:configure (first_time)
** Invoke thinking_sphinx:app_env (first_time)
** Execute thinking_sphinx:app_env
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute thinking_sphinx:configure
Generating Configuration to /home/jh/git/rba_staff_site/config/development.sphinx.conf
# assume we're passing the values from the file below as arguments to the following:
# WTF is name always nil?
# I'm not sure off the top of my head, but maybe just avoid regexp's all together?
# - jh
def filtered_filenames(paths)
paths ||= []
paths.collect { |path|
source edition_core_0
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = XXX
sql_pass = XXX
sql_db = rba_production
sql_sock = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
sql_query_pre = UPDATE `editions` SET `delta` = 0 WHERE `delta` = 1
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8