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yoosefi /
Last active May 16, 2024 23:59
Bulk string replace for Transmission torrent destination paths
# this file works by iterating every file in the current directory (which should be the "resume" directory!),
# scanning them for the old path and updating the serialized data with the new path if found
# if you have renamed a drive or massively moved things around and want to rename a part of the destination path
# without having to hand-pick those torrents through the gui to move their associated destinations
# you can run this in your transmission "resume" directory.
# the directory is usually at ~/.config/transmission/resume
yoosefi /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am yoosefi on github.
  • I am yoosefi ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7D0A C5B5 A420 0DA0 1364 5654 CC53 7A28 B66D 6176

To claim this, I am signing this object:

var request = require('request');
module['exports'] = function SwearJar (hook) {
var jar = '';
yoosefi /
Last active November 23, 2015 06:27
draft high-level type conversion table


coerce to > real (double) int (long) byte (uchar) bool (uchar) string (sprintf)
real (double) IEEE 0xFF mask of int 0x01 mask of int %g
int (long) IEEE 0xFF mask 0x01 mask %ld
byte (uchar) from int sign smear 0x01 mask %c
bool (uchar) 0.0 or 1.0 0 or 1 0x00 or 0x01 "0" or "1"
string (sscanf) %g %ld %c not "" or "0"

complex to complex

yoosefi /
Created May 3, 2016 00:46
nemo script to convert a video to a gif, scaling to a variable width.
# nemo script to convert a video to a gif, scaling to a variable width.
# put this in ~/.local/share/nemo/scripts/
# requires zenity, ffmpeg, and gifsicle
set -eu
WIDTH=$(zenity --entry --title="Enter GIF Width" --text="Enter the desired GIF width. -1 means the same width as the source video:\n${1}" --entry-text="-1")
ffmpeg -i "${1}" -vf "${SCALE},palettegen=stats_mode=diff" -y /tmp/palette.png
ffmpeg -i "${1}" -i /tmp/palette.png -lavfi "${SCALE} [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse=dither=bayer:bayer_scale=5:diff_mode=rectangle" -y /tmp/tmp.gif
BASENAME=$(basename "${1}")
yoosefi /
Last active December 27, 2017 00:32
sets video file mtime to its encode date
# sets video file mtime to its encode date
# requires mediainfo
# see also the inverse of this script: ""
set -eu
for each in "$@"; do
x=($(mediainfo "${each}" | grep -m1 'Encoded date'))
# skip null dates
if [ -z "${x}" ]; then
yoosefi /
Created May 11, 2016 03:56
sets a video's encode date by using the file's mtime
# sets a video's encode date by using the file's mtime
# requires mediainfo and ffmpeg
# see also the inverse of this script: ""
set -eu
for each in "$@"; do
x=($(mediainfo "${each}" | grep 'Encoded date'))
# only remux if the date is bogus
if [[ "${x}" == "" || "${x[4]}" =~ ^19[0-8].* ]]; then
yoosefi / youtube-like html5 video behavior
Last active July 21, 2016 09:53
Makes HTML5 videos answer clicks and refresh their thumbnails like YouTube does.
// developer console will mess with this (window.innerHeight). close it.
// reload thumbnail
this.autoplay = false;
// if no double click, change play state
var innerHeight = window.innerHeight;
yoosefi /
Created September 1, 2016 00:25
Rename a file to its md5 checksum, keeping the extension
# renames all input files to their md5 checksum, keeping the extension.
# this can be used as a nemo script.
for each in "$@"; do
NAME=$(basename "${each}")
DIR=$(dirname "${each}")
MD5=($(md5sum "${each}"))
mv "${each}" "${DIR}/${MD5}.${EXT}"
yoosefi /
Last active December 27, 2017 00:24
best-effort package removal for android bloatware, via adb
# best-effort package removal via adb.
# use on android bloatware.
# the first and only argument to this script is the package name.
for x in uninstall disable hide clear; do
echo $x
adb shell pm $x $1