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Yosh yoshuawuyts

View GitHub Profile
// Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`.
var eq = function(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
// Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical.
// See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](
if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b;
// A strict comparison is necessary because `null == undefined`.
if (a == null || b == null) return a === b;
// Unwrap any wrapped objects.
if (a instanceof _) a = a._wrapped;
if (b instanceof _) b = b._wrapped;
(function() {
var waveMaxRadius = 150;
function waveRadiusFn(touchDownMs, touchUpMs, anim) {
// Convert from ms to s.
var touchDown = touchDownMs / 1000;
* Module dependencies.
var react = require('react');
* Define our component.
yoshuawuyts / app.js
Created July 1, 2014 22:29
Updated vanilla.js coding style for framer examples.
* To create a basic animation you just create a layer.
var layerA = new Layer({
width: 80,
height: 80,
backgroundColor: "blue"


  .attr('hands', {required: true})
  .attr('feet', {required: false})

Maps to this:

/* global window*/
* Module dependencies
var react = require('react');
var index = require('./index');
~/Repositories/playground-vagrant master
❯ make
vagrant up --provider=docker
Bringing machine 'app' up with 'docker' provider...
==> app: Docker host is required. One will be created if necessary...
app: Docker host VM is already ready.
==> app: Syncing folders to the host VM...
app: Rsyncing folder: /Users/yoshuawuyts/Repositories/playground-vagrant/ => /var/lib/docker/docker_1407327928_26359
app: Rsyncing folder: /Users/yoshuawuyts/Repositories/playground-vagrant/ => /mnt/docker_build_0064ec06b8c293e46f3dd8d17fe9c55b
==> app: Building the container from a Dockerfile...
given(/^I am on the Cucumber.js GitHub repository$/, function(done) {
this.visit('', done);
when(/^I go to the README file$/, function(done) {
then(/^I should see "(.*)" as the page title$/, function(title, done) {
if (title === this.browser.text('title')) done();
~/Repositories/playground-vagrant master*
❯ make
vagrant up --provider=docker
Bringing machine 'app' up with 'docker' provider...
==> app: Docker host is required. One will be created if necessary...
app: Docker host VM is already ready.
==> app: Syncing folders to the host VM...
app: Rsyncing folder: /Users/yoshuawuyts/Repositories/playground-vagrant/ => /var/lib/docker/docker_1407426436_59228
app: Rsyncing folder: /Users/yoshuawuyts/Repositories/playground-vagrant/ => /mnt/docker_build_0064ec06b8c293e46f3dd8d17fe9c55b
==> app: Building the container from a Dockerfile...
yoshuawuyts /
Created August 15, 2014 11:43
UI / UX resources