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Yosh yoshuawuyts

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Proposal hangman


The goal is to build a working version of the classic game 'hangman'. A user should keep inputting letters until he/she has guessed the word.

Definition of Done

The implementation is considered complete when:

  • the computer selects a random word from a dictionary
  • the user can input letters to incrementally guess the word
  • the user receives feedback on his input

Social Animal


  • Prepare handouts
  • Setup clicker
  • Speaker notes
  • Organize breakpoints
'use strict';
* Exports
exports = module.exports = container;
* Function chaining example
# This is a title

- this is a list
- this is a list

[this is a link](
![I'm an image](

// this is a comment
yoshuawuyts /
Created May 3, 2014 09:01
zsh tree command for node.js
alias t='tree -a -L 2 -C -I "node_modules|.git"'
  • Log all files
  • Log 2 levels of indentation
  • Use colors
  • Don't log node_modules and .git

The social animal

This is a search query delimiter to solely find articles in the permitted journals.


  • The paper will need to be a study of literature, based on at least 5 social psychological articles, which have appeared in peer-reviewed, international journals, at least 4 of these published after 1995.
  • In addition, you are free to include references to your text book, or empirical book chapters.
  • Your paper needs to be between 2000 and 2500 words, including abstract, title page, and reference list.

CSS stuff

From @heydonworks

I did flex for layout, vw for fonts and ems for padding / margin. Everything scales proportionately to v small sizes.


  • flexbox for element layout
  • vw for fonts
  • ems for margin / padding

YSS: CSS for JS fetishistas

File headers

 * Form submit button
 * @class .button-submit
 * @class .button-submit__error
 * @class .button-submit__success

ghpages joy with @gulpjs & git subtrees:

gulp.task('deploy', ['build'], shell.task([
  'git subtree push --prefix www origin gh-pages'