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package main
import (
Benchmark_insert_1-4 637 1996446 ns/op 7155 B/op 171 allocs/op
Benchmark_insert_10-4 403 3375597 ns/op 60062 B/op 1862 allocs/op
Benchmark_insert_100-4 46 25023146 ns/op 2944130 B/op 117100 allocs/op
Benchmark_insert_1000-4 1 1544852600 ns/op 260334552 B/op 11072318 allocs/op
Benchmark_splitInsert_1-4 594 1812986 ns/op 7148 B/op 171 allocs/op
Benchmark_splitInsert_10-4 441 2625726 ns/op 60024 B/op 1861 allocs/op
Benchmark_splitInsert_100-4 49 22577567 ns/op 2943919 B/op 117099 allocs/op
Benchmark_splitInsert_1000-4 5 243017580 ns/op 29459081 B/op 1170782 allocs/op
Benchmark_splitInsert_10000-4 1 2398265900 ns/op 294224288 B/op 11707072
type config struct {
returningColumns []string
onConflict string
type Option func(*config)
func Returning(columns ...string) Option {
return func(c *config) {
c.returningColumns = columns
func main() {
engine, err := xorm.NewEngine("postgres", "postgres://user:password@db/database?sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
defer engine.Close()
func bulkInsert(db xorm.Interface, us users) error {
_, err := BulkInsert(db, us)
return err
func Benchmark_bulkInsert_1(b *testing.B) {
base(b, 1, bulkInsert)
func Benchmark_bulkInsert_10(b *testing.B) {
type bulkInserter interface {
TableName() string
Args(int) []interface{}
Columns() string
Values() string
Len() int
const pqArgLimit = 65535
func Benchmark_splitInsert_1(b *testing.B) {
base(b, 1, splitInsert)
func Benchmark_splitInsert_10(b *testing.B) {
base(b, 10, splitInsert)
func Benchmark_splitInsert_100(b *testing.B) {
base(b, 100, splitInsert)
func splitInsert(db xorm.Interface, us users) error {
const limit = 100
for start := 0; start < us.Len(); start += limit {
end := start + limit
if end > us.Len() {
end = us.Len()
target := us[start:end]
_, err := db.Insert(&target)
if err != nil {
package main
import (
package main
import (
_ ""