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  • start cluster using vstart
  • create bucket and log bucket:
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 s3 mb s3://fish
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 s3 mb s3://fish-log
  • create bucket logging conf:
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 s3api put-bucket-logging --bucket fish \
2023-11-27T14:18:57.001+0000 7f34bf328700 20 Lua INFO: *****************************************                                                                                                                                     [89/1934]
2023-11-27T14:18:57.001+0000 7f34bf328700 20 Lua INFO: op was: create_bucket              
2023-11-27T14:18:57.001+0000 7f34bf328700 20 Lua INFO: header: CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 
2023-11-27T14:18:57.001+0000 7f34bf328700 20 Lua INFO: header: HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = identity
2023-11-27T14:18:57.001+0000 7f34bf328700 20 Lua INFO: header: HTTP_AMZ_SDK_INVOCATION_ID = 515f92f7-28c4-40ce-82c5-85ae32b289f5
2023-11-27T14:18:57.001+0000 7f34bf328700 20 Lua INFO: header: HTTP_AMZ_SDK_REQUEST = attempt=1
2023-11-27T14:18:57.001+0000 7f34bf328700 20 Lua INFO: header: HTTP_AUTHORIZATION = AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=0555b35654ad1656d804/20231127/default/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=e697901ed
sudo dnf -y debuginfo-install ceph-radosgw-18.0.0-7437.gd67340ee.el9.x86_64
sudo gdb /usr/bin/radosgw -p $(pgrep radosgw)
while :; do pgrep -a radosgw; sleep 1; done

locking a machine

first, use:

teuthology-lock --brief

to see if you already have a machine locked. if not, use:

teuthology-lock --lock-many 1 --machine-type smithi

to lock a machine.

archive_path: /home/<username>/archive_dir
verbose: true
interactive-on-error: true
## wait_for_scrub being false makes locked runs go a lot faster
wait_for_scrub: false
owner: scheduled_<username>@teuthology
kdb: true
sha1: distro
  • start a vstart cluster
MON=1 OSD=1 MDS=0 MGR=0 RGW=1 ../src/ -n -d
  • create two tenanted users:
bin/radosgw-admin user create --display-name "Hello World" --tenant world --uid hello --access_key hello --secret_key world
bin/radosgw-admin user create --display-name "Ka Boom" --tenant boom --uid ka --access_key ka --secret_key boom
  • create topic, bucket and notification for one of the users:
  • start a vstart cluster with tracing enabled:
MON=1 OSD=1 MDS=0 MGR=0 RGW=1 ../src/ -n -d \
  -o "jaeger_tracing_enable=true" -o "jaeger_agent_port=6831" -o "debug-trace=20"
  • start jaeger in its own terminal:
podman run \
 -p 6831:6831/udp \


  • start cluster:
MON=1 OSD=1 MDS=0 MGR=0 RGW=1 ../src/ -n -d
  • create 2 tenanted users:
bin/radosgw-admin user create --display-name "Hello World" --tenant world --uid hello --access_key hello --secret_key world
bin/radosgw-admin user create --display-name "Ka Boom" --tenant boom --uid ka --access_key ka --secret_key boom


  • start the cluster
MON=1 OSD=1 MDS=0 MGR=0 RGW=1 ../src/ -n -d
  • create 2 tenanted users:
bin/radosgw-admin user create --display-name "Hello World" --tenant world --uid hello --access_key hello --secret_key world
bin/radosgw-admin user create --display-name "Ka Boom" --tenant boom --uid ka --access_key ka --secret_key boom