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yzen / test case
Last active March 27, 2020 13:51
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
"use strict";
const srcURL = new URL(``);
Painting --- after optimization:
SolidColor p=0x146440618 f=0x1439a0020() key=54 bounds(0,0,76800,37320) layerBounds(0,0,76800,37320) visible(0,0,76800,37320) building(0,0,76800,37320) componentAlpha(0,0,0,0) clip() asr() clipChain() uniform ref=0x1439a0020 agr=0x1439a0020 (opaque 0,0,76800,37320) (rgba 255,255,255,255)
CompositorHitTestInfo p=0x146433f30 f=0x1439a0198( class:) key=27 bounds(0,0,0,0) layerBounds(0,0,0,0) visible(0,0,76800,37320) building(0,0,76800,37320) componentAlpha(0,0,0,0) clip() asr() clipChain() ref=0x1439a0020 agr=0x1439a0020 hitTestInfo(0x1) hitTestArea(0,0,76800,37320)
CompositorHitTestInfo p=0x146441130 f=0x1439a00c0( class:) key=283 bounds(0,0,0,0) layerBounds(0,13680,0,0) visible(0,0,76800,37320) building(0,0,76800,37320) componentAlpha(0,0,0,0) clip() asr(<0x1439a0230>) clipChain(0x146e80d20 <0,0,76800,37320> [root asr]) ref=0x1439a0020 agr=0x1439a00c0 hitTestInfo(0x1) hitTestArea(0,-13680,76800,702206)
CompositorHitTestInfo p=0x146acc460 f=0x1439a00c0( class:) key=27 bounds(0,0
Painting --- after optimization:
SolidColor p=0x17d28fa18 f=0x149ece020() key=54 bounds(0,0,76800,56760) layerBounds(0,0,76800,56760) visible(0,0,76800,56760) building(0,0,76800,56760) componentAlpha(0,0,0,0) clip() asr() clipChain() uniform ref=0x149ece020 agr=0x149ece020 (opaque 0,0,76800,56760) (rgba 238,238,238,255)
CompositorHitTestInfo p=0x189dd4a40 f=0x149ece0c0( id:main-window) key=27 bounds(0,0,0,0) layerBounds(0,0,0,0) visible(0,0,76800,56760) building(0,0,76800,56760) componentAlpha(0,0,0,0) clip() asr() clipChain() ref=0x149ece020 agr=0x149ece020 hitTestInfo(0x1) hitTestArea(0,0,76800,56760)
CanvasBackgroundColor p=0x17c736020 f=0x149ece0c0( id:main-window) key=17 bounds(0,0,76800,56760) layerBounds(0,0,76800,56760) visible(0,0,76800,56760) building(0,0,76800,56760) componentAlpha(0,0,0,0) clip() asr() clipChain() uniform ref=0x149ece020 agr=0x149ece020 (rgba 0,0,0,0)
BackgroundColor p=0x17d28d3a8 f=0x1514cece8( id:tabbrowser-tabpanels class:plain) key=6 bounds(0,4440,76800,52320) layerBounds(0,44
mode: Symbol(TINY),
"object": [],
"title": "Object",
openLink: function() {...}
"actor": "server1.conn0.child1/accessible103",
"role": "document",
"name": "Restore Session",
"value": "",
"description": "",
"keyboardShortcut": "",
"childCount": 2,
"domNodeType": 9,
"indexInParent": 0,
yzen / Vagrantfile
Created December 10, 2013 20:44
Vagrantfile for fedora-19 and GPII
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# To use this script and prepare your build/test environment, run the following
# command in the same directory as the Vagrantfile.
# GPII_PATH={path to your gpii directory that contains or will contain cloned
# linux repository} vagrant up
yzen / Vagrantfile
Last active December 29, 2015 20:19
A Vagrantfile that bootstraps your B2G build environment with Ubuntu 12.04 and host B2G source.This script is compatible with keon and inari. If you want to add other devices, make sure you add the appropriate a usbfilter and the android rule.
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# To use this script and prepare your build environment, run the following
# command in the same directory as the Vagrantfile.
# B2G_PATH={path to your B2G directory} vagrant up
# This script will be run on the first start and it will set up the build
yzen / PulledPork.yuummy
Created December 16, 2011 18:09 — forked from wesbos/PulledPork.yuummy
Pulled Awesome
Get a Pork Shoulder (called Pork but or picknick but/shoulder sometimes at the grocery store)
1. Cut the skin off the pork but and then trim most of the fat. Leaving some marbled fat is good b.c it melts away and adds to the favour
2. cover the pork but in normal yellow mustard. If you have dry mustard, that is fine too. I've used both.
3. prepare a "dry rub" which is just a bowl full of tons of spices. I include the following
-garlic salt
-normal salt
var textPosition = new AccPos(domTextArea.accesibleElement, 'at');
// Read word by word
var word1 = textPosition.move('forward', 'word');
var word2 = word.move('forward', 'word');
var text = word2.textInBetween(word1);
var text = word1.findText('forward', 'paragraph');
function renameAddon(addon, name) {
if (!name) {
return Promise.reject('no name given');
if (!isAddon(addon)) {
return Promise.reject('not an addon');
var manifest = getManifest(addon);