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Created June 3, 2024 08:13
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"import torch\n",
"import torch.nn as nn\n",
"device = torch.device(\"cuda\" if torch.cuda.is_available() else \"cpu\")\n",
"# if torch.backends.mps.is_available(): device = torch.device(\"mps\") # special for Mac"
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"### Multi-head Attention from Scratch\n",
"This notebook implements from scratch, in a step-by-step fashion, a multi-head self-attention layer, which gives the same output as the Pytorch implementation.\n",
"- Original transformer paper: [Attention is all you need](\n",
"- PyTorch implementation is in the function [`multi_head_attention_forward`](\n",
"by [Zaccharie Ramzi]( and [Gabriel Peyré]("
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"The data is composed of batches of $p$ points $(x_s^b)_{s=0}^{p-1}$ in $\\mathbb{R}^d$ stored in a matrix `X` of size $(n_b,p,d)$. Here $n_b$ is the number of batches, so that $b$ runs in $0 \\ldots n_b-1$. These $n_b$ batches are processed in parallel. Note that we use here the \"batch first\" format."
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"n_b = 8 # size of batch, processed in parallel\n",
"p = 80 # number of points in each points cloud\n",
"d = 12 # dimension of the points\n",
"X = torch.randn(n_b, p, d, device=device)"
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"Generate the parameter of the attention layer."
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"K = torch.randn(d, d, device=device)\n",
"Q = torch.randn(d, d, device=device)\n",
"V = torch.randn(d, d, device=device)\n",
"L = torch.randn(d, d, device=device)"
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"First the points are transformed in Keys, Queries, Values using matrices $K \\in \\mathbb{R}^{d \\times d}$, $Q \\in \\mathbb{R}^{d \\times d}$, $V \\in \\mathbb{R}^{d \\times d}$\n",
" \\forall s = 0,\\ldots,p-1, \\quad\n",
" k_s^b \\coloneqq K x_i^b, \\quad\n",
" q_s^b \\coloneqq Q x_i^b, \\quad\n",
" v_s^b \\coloneqq V x_i^b.\n",
"These points are stored in the arrays `KX,QX,VX` of size $(n_b,p,d)$.\n",
"We use Einstein summation notations to compute the transform, this is very useful and should be prefered over direct array manipulation (transposition, etc)."
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"KX = torch.einsum(\"ij,bsj->bsi\", [K, X])\n",
"QX = torch.einsum(\"ij,bsj->bsi\", [Q, X])\n",
"VX = torch.einsum(\"ij,bsj->bsi\", [V, X])"
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"Then each of these points such as $k_s^b \\in \\mathbb{R}^{d}$ are split into $n_h$ (\"number of heads\") points $k_{s}^{b,h} \\in \\mathbb{R}^{d_h}$ where $d_h \\coloneqq d/n_h$, i.e.\n",
" k_s^b = (k_{s}^{b,0},\\ldots,k_{s}^{b,n_h-1}), \\quad\n",
" q_s^b = (k_{s}^{b,0},\\ldots,k_{s}^{b,n_h-1}), \\quad\n",
" v_s^b = (k_{s}^{b,0},\\ldots,k_{s}^{b,n_h-1}).\n",
"These new points are still stored in the same `KX,QX,VX`, but they have size $(n_b,p,n_h,d_h)$."
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"n_h = 2 # number of heads\n",
"d_h = d // n_h # dimension of each head\n",
"KX = KX.reshape(n_b, p, n_h, d_h )\n",
"QX = QX.reshape(n_b, p, n_h, d_h )\n",
"VX = VX.reshape(n_b, p, n_h, d_h )"
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"We then compute, for each head $h=0,\\ldots,n_h-1$, the inner products between the keys and queries\n",
" \\forall (s,t) \\in \\{0,\\ldots,p-1\\}^2, \\quad\n",
" D_{s,t}^{b,h} \\coloneqq \\langle k_{s}^{b,h}, q_{t}^{b,h} \\rangle_{\\mathbb{R}^{d_h}}\n",
"and they are stored in the matrix `D` of size $(n_b,n_h,p,p)$."
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"D = torch.einsum(\"bshi,bthi->bhst\", [QX, KX])"
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"From these, one compute the attention kernel $U$ and row-normalize it to obtain $\\tilde U$ stored in `Ut` of size $(n_b,n_h,p,p)$\n",
" \\tilde U_{s,t}^{b,h} \\coloneqq \\frac{U_{s,t}^{b,h}}{\\sum_{t'} U_{s,t'}^{b,h}}\n",
" \\quad\\text{where}\\quad\n",
" U_{s,t}^{b,h} \\coloneqq e^{\\frac{D_{s,t}^{b,h}}{\\sqrt{d_h}}}.\n",
"The $1/\\sqrt{d_h}$ scaling is such that, at initialization, if $(K,Q)$ are Gaussian white noise with unit variance, then the entries of $\\tilde U_{s,t}^h$ have roughly the same amplitude, which is important to ease training."
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"r = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(d_h).double()) # note that this is the per-head dimension and not the full attention dimension\n",
"U = torch.exp(D / r)\n",
"Ut = U / torch.sum(U, axis=3, keepdim=True)"
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"This kernel is then used to barycenter the values points to obtains new points\n",
" \\forall s = 0,\\ldots,p-1, \\quad\n",
" z_{s}^{b,h} \\coloneqq \\sum_{t=0}^{p-1} \\tilde U_{s,t}^{b,h} v_t^b.\n",
"These new points are stored in the array `Z` of size $(n_b,p,n_h,d_h)$."
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"Z = torch.einsum(\"bhst,bthi->bshi\", [Ut, VX])"
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"The output of all the heads are then grouped in new points\n",
" \\forall s = 0,\\ldots,p-1, \\quad\n",
" z_{s}^{b} \\coloneqq (z_{s}^{b,0},\\ldots,z_{s}^{b,n_h-1}) \\in \\mathbb{R}^d.\n",
"They are still stored in the same matrix `Z` of size $(n_b,p,d)$."
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"Z = Z.reshape(n_b, p, n_h*d_h)"
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"Then a final linear matrix $L \\in \\mathbb{R}^{d \\times d}$ is applied independantly to each point to obtain the output\n",
" \\forall s = 0,\\ldots,p-1, \\quad\n",
" y_{s}^{b} \\coloneqq L z_{s}^{b}.\n",
"These points are output by the function in an array `Y` of the same size as `X`."
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"Y = torch.einsum(\"ij,bsj->bsi\", [L, Z])"
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"Put all this in a function."
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"source": [
"def multi_head_attention(X, K, Q, V, L, n_h):\n",
" n_b, p, d = X.shape\n",
" d_h = d // n_h # dimension of the features of each head\n",
" assert( d_h * n_h == d ), \"Embedding size needs to be divisible by heads\"\n",
" # apply the matrices K,Q,V to X, and then spread them in the different heads\n",
" KX = torch.einsum(\"ij,bsj->bsi\", [K, X]).reshape( n_b, p, n_h, d_h )\n",
" QX = torch.einsum(\"ij,bsj->bsi\", [Q, X]).reshape( n_b, p, n_h, d_h )\n",
" VX = torch.einsum(\"ij,bsj->bsi\", [V, X]).reshape( n_b, p, n_h, d_h )\n",
" # compute <KX_k,QX_l>\n",
" D = torch.einsum(\"bshi,bthi->bhst\", [QX, KX])\n",
" # scaled kernel\n",
" r = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(d_h).double())\n",
" U = torch.exp(D / r)\n",
" # row normalize (softmax)\n",
" Ut = U / torch.sum(U, axis=3)[:,:,:,None]\n",
" # apply kernel\n",
" Z = torch.einsum(\"bhst,bthi->bshi\", [Ut, VX]).reshape(n_b, p, n_h*d_h)\n",
" # apply final linear layer\n",
" return torch.einsum(\"ij,bsj->bsi\", [L, Z])"
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"Compare the Pytorch implementation with out own."
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"# using pytorch code\n",
"M = torch.nn.MultiheadAttention(d, n_h, batch_first=True, dropout=0.0, bias=False, device=device) # make sure to use the batch_first arg. according to your data layout\n",
"Y_torch,_ = M(X, X, X) # self attention\n",
"# Retrieve the Q, K, V matrices\n",
"Q = M.in_proj_weight[:d, :]\n",
"K = M.in_proj_weight[d:2*d, :]\n",
"V = M.in_proj_weight[2*d:, :]\n",
"# final projection matrix\n",
"L = M.out_proj.weight\n",
"# using our own code\n",
"Y = multi_head_attention(X, K, Q, V, L, n_h)\n",
"# should be 0 ...\n",
"print((torch.norm(Y_torch - Y) /torch.norm(Y)).detach().cpu().numpy() )"
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