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if cookies['_old_cookie_name']
redis =
val = redis.get cookies['_old_cookie_name']
if val
old_session = Marshal.load val
old_session.each{|k,v| session[k] = v}
redis.incr 'migrated_sessions'
cookies.delete '_old_cookie_name'
ActionController::Base.session = {
:key => '_old_cookie_name',
:secret => 'yoursecret'
require 'ostruct'
class Lexer
def initialize
@tokens = []
@curr_token_i = -1
def scan(str)
case str
- if route.distance
#{distance(route.distance, :km_mi, true)}
// dont worry, not doing a massive refactoring... just going to put
// new things and things i touch into this backbone view instead of
// adding to the hugely long init below
PlannerView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#route_container'),
initialize: function() { = Routes.activeMap;
this.bind('jump_to:change', _.bind(this.onJumpToChange, this));
// set up places autocomplete for gi
// allow setting / triggering of events for all instances
_.extend(SG, Backbone.Events);
_.extend(SG.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
// allow binding to events triggered from any instance
// used for hooking into initialize:after by plugins
setupGlobalEvents: function() {
this.bind('all', function() {
var argsWithoutEv =, 1);
SG.trigger.apply(SG, [arguments[0], this].concat(argsWithoutEv));
(ns datafun.core
(:require [com.twinql.clojure.http :as http])
(:use [cheshire.core]))
(defn fetch-url [url]
(:content (http/get ( url) :as :string)))
(def route (parse-string (fetch-url "") true))
(def points (:track_points route))
[[1,2],[3,4]].each do |(a,b)|
puts "a: #{a}, b: #{b}"
a: 1, b: 2
a: 3, b: 4
desc 'Set best for based on description from tom (cycling and walking only)'
task :batch_set_initial_best_for => :environment do
modified = []
unmodified = 0
# walking types
[11, 27, 28, 18],
# walking best for
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :001 > a = Route.find 309908
=> #<Route id: 309908, group_membership_id: 35, name: "test", description: "", created_at: "2011-12-07 17:29:45", distance: 3220.55, elevation_gain: 38.656, elevation_loss: 210.293, visibility: 0, first_lat: 44.003060000000005, first_lng: -123.10965000000002, last_lat: 44.00095, last_lng: -123.09212000000001, secret_key: nil, bad_elevations: false, is_trip: false, postal_code: "97405", locality: "Eugene", administrative_area: "Oregon", has_histogram_image: false, pavement_type_id: nil, country_code: "US", average_rating: 0.0, category_id: 0>
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > a.course_points
=> [{"x"=>-123.09956999999997, "y"=>43.99689, "t"=>"Left", "n"=>"Skarpt til venstre og inn på Willamette St", "d"=>1558.2270196996717, "i"=>45}, {"x"=>-123.09476000000001, "y"=>44.00251, "t"=>"Right", "n"=>"Sving til høyre og inn på Coachman Dr", "d"=>2319.6279202483624, "i"=>-1}, {"x"=>-123.0924, "y"=>44.00288, "t"=>"Right", "n"=>"Ta til høyre mot E 49th Ave", "d"=>2561.46875989974, "i