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Working from home

Zack Perdue zackperdue

Working from home
  • Unicorn
  • Bali, Indonesia
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zackperdue / gist:4659057
Created January 28, 2013 21:12
Does this actually work?
public function action_downloads()
$order_ids = ORM::factory('Order', array('id'))
->where('user_id', '=', $this->user->id)
$downloads = ORM::factory('Order_Item')
->where('order_id', 'IN', $order_ids)
$cc_left = substr($cc_number, 0, 4);
$cc_tmp_right = substr($cc_number, 4);
$cc_center = substr($cc_tmp_right, 0, 8);
$cc_right = substr($cc_tmp_right, 8);
echo $cc_number."<br />";
echo $cc_left.$cc_center.$cc_right;
zackperdue / gist:3557582
Created August 31, 2012 19:11
Auto Reload Browser
Create a new bookmark item then paste the code below into the url field
<input type="file" name="file_selector" id="file_selector" multiple="multiple" accept="video/*">
var fileSelector = document.getElementById('file_selector')
var uploader = new FileUploader({
uploadType: 'Video',
fileInput: fileSelector
zackperdue /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21


Attach this plugin to an input field and it matches the width of the field to the number of characters in the field. Great for inline editable text fields!

zackperdue / user.rb
Created May 21, 2015 12:04
Overwrite the way the friendly_id gem generates unique slugs.
friendly_id :slug_candidates, use: :slugged, slug_column: :namespace
def slug_candidates
[:first_name, :last_name]
def normalize_friendly_id(value)
super.gsub(/\-/, '')
zackperdue / Build Log.bash
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
git push heroku master
-----> Ruby app detected
-----> Compiling Ruby/Rails
-----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.0.0
-----> Installing dependencies using 1.6.3
Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment
You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing your Gemfile.
Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the updated Gemfile.lock to version control.
You have added to the Gemfile: * active_model_serializers You have deleted from the Gemfile: * jbuilder (~> 1.2)
Bundler Output: You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing your Gemfile.
Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the updated Gemfile.lock to version control.
= form_for do |f|
= f.text_area :body
= f.button t("button.submit")
- @video.comments.reverse.each do |comment|
%div{class: 'comment', id: "comment_#{}"}
= simple_format comment.body
zackperdue / test.rb
Created March 5, 2014 01:15
Look inside test()
require 'open-uri'
class Participants
def test
participant_data do |io|
# This never gets called