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zackster / max-heap.rb
Last active February 14, 2019 21:49
Implementation of max-heap in Ruby
# O(n)
def heapify(arr)
last_element_index = arr.count - 1
idx = parent_index(last_element_index)
while idx >= 0
arr = fix(arr, idx)
idx -= 1
=> .net, .net core, .net, sql server, javascript, typescript, .net-core, .netcore, 3d, 3d modeling, 3d modelling, a, abap, access, accessibility, actionscript, active directory, activecampaign, activiti, add-ins, admob, adobe photoshop, adtech, advertising, adwords, agile, ai, airflow, aix, ajax, ajax/json, akka, albanian, alexa, alexa skill kit, alexa skills, alexaskills, alfresco, algorithm, algorithms, algoritms, amazon web services, amazon-mws, amazon-web-services, ambari, amber, amzone, analyist, analytics, andriod app development, android, android development, android studio, android-sdk, androidsdk, androidstudio, angular, angular 2, angular.js, angular2, angular4, angularjs, ansible, ant, apache, apache spark, apache-impala, apache-wicket, apache2, apex, api, api development, api integration, api-development, apis, apl, app, app development, app extensions, apple, apple search ads, application, applications, applied, apps, apps., ar, arcgis, architect, architecture, arduino, arkit, arm, artificial int
class Array
def sum
inject(0.0) { |result, el| result + el }
def mean
sum / size
["#job", 6], ["$100,000.00", 6], ["$14,100", 6], ["$155,", 6], ["$18/hr", 6], ["$20/hr", 6], ["$27.00", 6], ["$28.50", 6], ["$37.00", 6], ["$42.75", 6], ["$43.00", 6], ["$44.00", 6], ["$66.00", 6], ["$70-$85k.\\n\\nrequired", 6], ["$95,000.00", 6], ["$95k", 6], [">>>", 6], ["(.net,", 6], ["(18+)", 6], ["(2+", 6], ["(3)", 6], ["(40", 6], ["(50%", 6], ["(8", 6], ["(anaheim)", 6], ["(android", 6], ["(any", 6], ["(auburn)", 6], ["(backend)", 6], ["(battery", 6], ["(bay", 6], ["(berlin,", 6], ["(bonus)", 6], ["(bronx)", 6], ["(btc)", 6], ["(burlington)", 6], ["(burnaby)", 6], ["(c#,", 6], ["(c++,", 6], ["(c,", 6], ["(crypto", 6], ["(csv)", 6], ["(cupertino)", 6], ["(custom", 6], ["(customer", 6], ["(dba)", 6], ["(desktop", 6], ["(devops)", 6], ["(dlp)", 6], ["(dmv)", 6], ["(ember", 6], ["(ex.", 6], ["(excel,", 6], ["(fi/co)", 6], ["(fresno,", 6], ["(full-stack)", 6], ["(gaithersburg)", 6], ["(greenwich", 6], ["(hardware", 6], ["(harlem", 6], ["(high", 6], ["(hp", 6], ["(
trials = 1000000
events = 0
trials.times do
coords = { [rand, rand] }
squares = { |x,y| [(x/0.25).ceil, (y/0.25).ceil] }
unless squares.inject( { |total, e| total[e] += 1 ;total}.select{|k,v| v>=3}
events += 1
puts events.to_f / trials.to_f
zackster /
Created October 19, 2017 04:30
Normalize Code For Cash programming job corpus
import csv
import string
import re
programming_keywords = set([".net", ".net core", "3d", "abap", "active directory", "activecampaign", "admob", "adobe photoshop", "adtech", "adwords", "agile", "ai", "airflow", "aix", "ajax", "akka", "albanian", "alexa", "alexa skills", "alfresco", "algorithms", "amazon web services", "amazon-web-services", "ambari", "analytics", "andriod app development", "android", "androidstudio", "angular", "angular 2", "angular.js", "angular2", "angularjs", "animation", "ansible", "ant", "apache", "apache spark", "apache2", "api", "app", "app development", "app extensions", "apple", "application", "apps", "architect", "architecture", "arduino", "arm", "artificial intelligence", "", " mvc", " web api", " web forms", "assembly", "augmented reality", "aurelia", "aureliajs", "austin", "automate", "automation", "avada", "avr", "aws", "azure", "babel", "back end", "back-end", "backbone", "backbonejs", "backend", "backend developer", "bash", "beaglebone", "beautifu
zackster / expand_keyword_list.rb
Last active October 19, 2017 03:27
For the benefit of subscribers – automatic matching of skills to online job ads
def expand_keyword_list(keyword_list)
synonym_list = {
'rails': ['ror', 'ruby on rails', 'rails'],
'html': ['html5', 'html', 'html4'],
'css': ['css3', 'css', 'cascading style sheets', 'cascading stylesheets'],
'node': ['node', 'nodejs', 'node.js', 'node js'],
'javascript': ['javascript', 'java script', 'js'],
' unity ': [' unity ', 'unity3d', 'unity 3d']
class Authoritarianism < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :potential_juror
def score
(demographic_structure_calc + occupation_calc + education_calc + marital_status_calc + focused_calc) / 5.0
zackster / reddit-ads.rb
Created February 7, 2017 16:32
Automatically export your reddit ads data to a csv file so you can review CTR, CPC, subreddits targeted, etc.
require 'parallel'
require 'httparty'
require 'pry'
def fetch_reddit_page(reddit_link)
cookies = [ ] # get these from EditThisCookie chrome extension: Export -> Copy to clipboard (copies as a ruby-friendly array of hashes)
zackster / zidisha_growth_charts.rb
Created November 21, 2016 17:47
Zidisha growth charts
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'groupdate'
require 'gruff'
nok = Nokogiri(open(""))
countries ="select[name='country']").search('option').map{|x|[x.children.text, x.attributes['value'].value.to_sym]}.reject{|x|x.first.blank?}
countries.each do |country, code|