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zamoose / gist:5674441
Created May 29, 2013 22:47
Useful ssh shell expansion
complete -W "$(echo $(grep '^ssh ' .bash_history | sort -u | sed 's/^ssh //'))" ssh
zamoose / gist:4150576
Created November 26, 2012 20:59
New and improved solution, available in a master LESS file for use anywhere.
.setwidth(@width, @defaultw) when (isnumber(@width)){
width: @width;
.setwidth(@width, @defaultw) when not(isnumber(@width)){
width: @defaultw;
zamoose / functions.php
Created March 19, 2012 16:27
Hook output
function lbc_hook_check(){
global $wp_filter;
$tmp_filters = $wp_filter;
foreach( $tmp_filters as $key => $values ) {
if( preg_match( '/^lblg/', $key ) ) {
add_action($key, 'lbc_hook_echo');
zamoose / functions.php
Created March 12, 2012 15:38
BP reordering
* This function rearranges BuddyPress navigation elements.
function npat_alter_group_options(){
global $bp;
if(NPAT_DEBUG) echo '<pre>';
$slug = $bp->groups->current_group->slug;
$nav_array = $bp->bp_options_nav;
zamoose / functions.php
Created March 3, 2012 03:23
Elbee Elgee child theme
remove_action( 'lblg_after_itemtext', 'lblg_post_info' );
// Set up arrays to hold the post objects
$rotator_items = $testimonial_items = array();
// Loop through rotator items
$rotator_args = array( 'post_type' => 'rotator' );
$rotator = new WP_Query( $rotator_args );
$c1 = 0;
zamoose / config_definitions.pp
Created August 25, 2011 20:00
Useful Puppet user definitions
# Hopefully someone else will find these snippets useful. I've found them VERY
# helpful in defining local users that hew to the generally-accepted RedHat-ism
# of [local username] having an equivalent [local user primary group] with uid = gid.
# Improvements welcomed.
# ROCKS Cluster users generally need access to scratch directories on local storage,
# hence their more expansive definitions.
# This file should probably go in your [Puppet config dir]/manifests/definitions/