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© Created by Martyr2 (DIC Mentor)

Martyr2's Mega Project Ideas List

Over the past couple years I have seen many threads asking about project ideas. I have seen a few answers, and given a few answers, that listed a couple common projects. I never felt it was a good enough job to just list 2 or 3 topics. So I have set forth on a mission to compile a list of projects (common and not) for all you programmers out there in search of a simple learning project. No these are not going to be thesis level projects and are meant to also spark ideas for ways to expand from these ideas.

Below you will find 150 project ideas I have come up with just brainstorming. I have divided them into 10 different topic areas that I think the project may use the most. Keep in mind that a few of these projects could have been classified in more than one topic.

So I hope you enjoy and here they are!