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David Zelený zdealveindy

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plot.iNEXT <- function (x, type = 1, se = TRUE, show.legend = TRUE, show.main = TRUE,
col = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
if (class(x) != "iNEXT")
stop("invalid object class")
TYPE <- c(1, 2, 3)
SPLIT <- c("none", "order", "site", "both")
if (, TYPE)) | pmatch(type, TYPE) == -1)
stop("invalid plot type")
type <- pmatch(type, 1:3)
Species SPAD502 SPAD502plus
Psychotria rubra 50.4 49
Psychotria rubra 46.8 49.5
Psychotria rubra 54.9 56.6
Solanum diphyllum 65.6 63.6
Litsea sp. 45.6 42.7
Mallotus paniculatus 51.6 52.4
Machilus zuihoensis 43.8 44.1
Machilus zuihoensis 46.8 47.6
Ficus ampelas 54.9 56.9
species WSG_obs WSG_data source
1 Acacia 0.539 0.9 a
2 Adansonia 0.21 0.5 b
3 Albizia 0.581 0.69 a
4 Azadirachta 0.521 0.7 a
5 Bauhinia 0.469 0.619 c
6 Bombax 0.335 0.27 d
7 Bridelia 0.557 0.62 e
8 Butea 0.377 0.465 c
9 Cassia 0.665 0.746 c
# Mia Momberg - reanalysis of JEcol dataset
# importing libraries
library (readxl)
library (tidyverse)
library (modEvA)
library (car)
# importing data from Dryad repository
url <- ''
# Pseudoreplication issue
# 1600 quadrats sampled in 8 grids (each grid 200 quadrats)
# what happens if we consider quadrats as independent units?
DEP <- rnorm (1600)
EXP <- rnorm (1600)
GRID <- rep (1:8, each = 200)
boxplot (DEP ~ GRID)
# Diversity along elevation gradient - pseudoreplication issue
# Elevation 200-1000 m asl, five elevation zones
# Richness (number of species) between 1-100 species
seed <- 56654
par (mfrow = c(2,2))
# Scenario 1: 5 replicate at each zone, each replicate at different mountain (random diversity)
# Euclidean vs Hellinger vs Bray-Curtis distances and double zero problem
library (vegan)
library (pals)
vltava.spe <- read.delim ('', row.names = 1)
prop_dz <- function (com)
(nrow (com)-designdist (x = com, method = "A+B-J", terms = "binary"))/nrow (com) # calculates proportion of double zeros
D_eucl <- dist (vltava.spe, method = 'euclidean')
D_hell <- dist (decostand (vltava.spe, method = 'hell'), method = 'euclidean')
# Hellinger distance
library (vegan)
png (width = 6, height = 6, units = 'in', res = 300)
par (mar = c(5,5,2,2))
plot (0:1, 0:1, xlab = list ('Species 1', cex = 1.5), ylab = list ('Species 2', cex = 1.5), axes = F, xlim = c(0, 1.3), ylim = c(0,1.3), type = 'n')
par (xpd = NA)
arrows (x0 = 0, x1 = 1.3, y0 = 0, y1 = 0)
arrows (x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 1.3)
zdealveindy / multi.reg.r
Created April 25, 2022 01:05
# Individual examples
# 1) Both w1 and w2 similarly related to y
set.seed (1234)
# Generate two random variables N(0,1)
x1 <- rnorm (100, 0, 1)
x2 <- rnorm (100, 0, 1)
X <- cbind (x1, x2)
# Generate correlation matrix to make variables correlated at r = 0.8
R <- matrix (c(sqrt (.8), sqrt (.2), sqrt (0.2), sqrt (.8)), ncol = 2)
W <- X%*%R
scale_override <- function(which, scale) {
if(!is.numeric(which) || (length(which) != 1) || (which %% 1 != 0)) {
stop("which must be an integer of length 1")
if(is.null(scale$aesthetics) || !any(c("x", "y") %in% scale$aesthetics)) {
stop("scale must be an x or y position scale")
structure(list(which = which, scale = scale), class = "scale_override")