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from math import floor, ceil
def distribute(z, *args):
returns distribution of z over args with natural numbers
and each arg >= 1
:param z: z >= len(args)
:param args: len(args) >= 2
:return: distribution of z overs args ratio
CFLAGS=-Wall -ansi -pedantic -c
all: assembler
assembler: main.o utils.o fileprocessor.o hashtable.o assembler.o list.o
$(CC) -o assembler main.o utils.o fileprocessor.o hashtable.o assembler.o list.o
main.o: main.c fileprocessor.h assembler.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.c fileprocessor.h assembler.h
zeako /
Last active July 30, 2016 17:32
Method for reading input files
* Read text file lines.
* @param fileName input file name should be at the same directory as the runner
* @return list of string arrays
public static List<String[]> readFile(String fileName) {
LinkedList<String[]> lines = new LinkedList<>();
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName))) {

Keybase proof

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  • I am zeako on github.
  • I am zeako ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAh4FnT17c_KJ58twFnL-e_G8UDE2B1p6U1jw35opsPQgo

To claim this, I am signing this object: