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zeeres / TagPro_Chat_Scroller.user.js
Last active March 27, 2018 14:28 — forked from nabbynz/TagPro_Chat_Scroller.user.js
TagPro Chat Scroller
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Chat Scroller
// @description Changes the default chat into a scrollable, whole-game chat. Optionally shows last-game chat between games.
// @version
// - v0.6.3.Ko: Add a fadeTime option, to fade the time after 20 secs.
// I've labeled all changes with Ko: for reference
// - v0.6.3: Fix the 'serverHost' bug.
// - v0.6.2: Added 'bwep' sound on all chat messages option. Fixed a teamcount bug.
// - v0.6.0: Added caps timeline.
// - Made compatible with new TagPro site design.
zeeres / TagPro-RandomFlair.user.js
Last active January 26, 2017 11:57
Use a random flair each game. On the profile page you can select flairs to be included in the random pool.
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro RandomFlair
// @version 1.0.1
// @description Use a random flair each game. On the profile page you can select flairs to be included in the random pool.
// @author zeeres
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_log
zeeres / S9_W4.txt
Last active July 13, 2017 10:43
Prints the cumulative minutes of the players. Example usage: #python S9_W4.txt S9_W5.txt S9_W6.txt
kutrebar RMA 12 40 79 40 29 25 135 4 798 71
Hyponome T&am -9 40 88 22 12 10 43 2 557 66
EASHY BRU 9 40 56 22 15 12 77 3 977 49
DEAD NAN 9 40 22 76 73 63 552 10 105 14
ethce RMA 12 40 65 21 17 14 113 2 857 56
Mpuddi HAM 8 40 36 74 62 53 355 9 113 28
Osy BRU 9 40 63 29 14 12 84 2 910 55
Battosay BLO -3 40 58 30 16 13 150 3 531 47
dets HAM 8 40 32 74 73 65 507 7 63 25
Heisy RMA 12 40 31 81 70 61 289 8 169 21
zeeres /
Last active June 18, 2017 18:16
generates an image with half/game results
generates an image with half/game results
import argparse
import PIL.Image as im
import PIL.ImageDraw as imd
import PIL.ImageFont as imf
### Settings: ###
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro LiveScoreboard RB
// @version 1.7.0
// @description Live Scoreboard that plays along with TagPro NewJerseys script (but can be used as standalone)
// @author zeeres
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_log
zeeres / TagPro_Colored_Names.user.js
Last active August 11, 2017 23:07
Colors player names red/blue
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Colored Names
// @version 0.1.3
// @description Colors player names red/blue
// @author zeeres
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Tile Pattern
// @namespace
// @description Tints every other floor tile a slightly different shade.
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @author snaps
// @version 0.1.0
// ==UserScript==
// @name Browncoat's TagPro Mod zrs
// @version 2.0.1
// @description Better particles, drop shadows, spinning options (ball, flair, overlay)
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @author Browncoat
// ==/UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro HideInGameElements
// @version 0.1
// @description Hides the "Exit" button, music buttons and the volume slider (useful for streaming); Removes (ping/fps/loss-message and) the spectating message
// @author zeeres
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// ==/UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Group Autojoin Spectators
// @version 0.1
// @description Auto-joins Spectators group whenever a place is free
// @author zeeres
// @include http://tagpro-**
// ==/UserScript==
var interval = 1000; // in milliseconds