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Busy! @-message me directly if I'm slow to respond.

Zeke Sikelianos zeke

Busy! @-message me directly if I'm slow to respond.
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zeke /
Created March 3, 2012 05:16 — forked from mathias/
Haml + Coffeescript Tweet button and Like button
((d, s, id) ->
js = undefined
fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]
return if d.getElementById(id)
js = d.createElement(s) = id
js.src = "//"
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore js, fjs
) document, "script", "facebook-jssdk"

The Story of NPM and Yarn

In the beginning there was NPM, and for a time it was good. Packages went forth and multiplied. The New Gods proclaimed the great demon Dependency Management had been slain. But The Old Gods knew better, for they had seen much and knew that the demon can never be killed, only held at bay.

The Old Gods were ignored. In the folly of a young age grew an abundance of packages and with them grew the scourge of dependency. In the depths beneath the earth, in a place beyond memory, the great demon stirred.

The first sign something was wrong was non-deterministic package version mismatches. “This is fine!” The New Gods declared. “A temporary setback, nothing more! We can fix it.” And so they introduced shrinkwrap, a lamp to combat the growing darkness.

But it proved to be too little, too late, and dusk continued to fall. The New Gods suffered their first major defeat at the [Battle of Left-pad](

The Story of NPM and Yarn

In the beginning there was NPM, and for a time it was good. Packages went forth and multiplied. The New Gods proclaimed the great demon Dependency Management had been slain. But The Old Gods knew better, for they had seen much and knew that the demon can never be killed, only held at bay.

The Old Gods were ignored. In the folly of a young age grew an abundance of packages and with them grew the scourge of dependency. In the depths beneath the earth, in a place beyond memory, the great demon stirred.

The first sign something was wrong was non-deterministic package version mismatches. “This is fine!” The New Gods declared. “A temporary setback, nothing more! We can fix it.” And so they introduced shrinkwrap, a lamp to combat the growing darkness.

But it proved to be too little, too late, and dusk continued to fall. The New Gods suffered their first major defeat at the [Battle of Left-pad](

why ./task.js?

One word: task automation. It's basically zero effort and you can use the ./task.js package manager to handle any repetitive tasks. You can use ./task.js to automate everything with minimum effort.

./task.js provides the structure, order, and authority that you as a developer so desperately crave. ./task.js will also take responsibility for your actions if you need it to. It's what everybody is using now. ./task.js is the new hotness. It's all about ./task.js now, just like that.

This is compared to npm run/bash scripts, which are:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
error() {
printf "$1\n" >&2
exit 1
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && error "Usage: `basename $0` hash column [row(s)]"
hash=${1?'Must provide Dataclip hash'}

What zoom level is equivalent to a given altitude? In other words, if I’m looking at a map at ZL n, how high off the ground would I be to make out the same features?

This is from a question from Eric Fischer; my algebra and arithmetic are extremely rusty, so please check everything! Major assumptions:

  1. We’re at the equator (when a given zoom level is sharper anywhere else).

  2. We’re looking straight down (which you can’t realistically do out a plane window, for example).

  3. We have 20/20 vision (which is not as good as median corrected vision).

zeke / gist:7851253
Created December 7, 2013 23:28 — forked from pvh/gist:6394061

The PHP language owner is responsible for the success of Heroku developers building in PHP. They are part of the broader “languages team”, a group of developers with similar language-specific responsibilities and shared infrastructure.

A language owner will be responsible for varying degrees of

  • building core language-specific features such as the “build pack”,
  • working within the community to improve projects upstream to provide a better experience for Heroku users,
  • customer outreach,
  • customer support,
  • sales support,
  • language-specific documentation and content, and
  • marketing responsibilities such as attending and speaking at conferences.
zeke / bestTextColor.js
Created December 21, 2015 19:55 — forked from jczaplew/bestTextColor.js
Best color for text on a background of a given hex color
Variation of
Follow up to
Inspired by UI of
function bestTextColor(hex) {
hex = hex.replace('#', '');
var bigint = parseInt(hex, 16); Outline

  • Header and a Brief description (should match package.json)
  • Example (if applicable)
  • Motivation (if applicable)
  • API Documentation: This will likely vary considerably from library to library.
  • Installation
  • Tests
  • Contributors
  • License
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">