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Kevin Zeng zengfenfei

  • Xiamen
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zengfenfei / openApp.js
Last active August 4, 2021 15:18
Open native app from webpage, mobile safari "invalid address" warnings be suppressed when the app is not installed.
Open native app through iframe so that mobile safari "invalid address" warnings be suppressed when the app is not installed.
* `window.location=url` will not open native app in the iframe of android chrome
* Android will go to the next page even if the url scheme is not supported
function openApp (url) {
if ( &&\bChrome\b/)!=-1) {
window.location = url;
} else {
// Builds the url: '/account/~/extension/~', and make a PUT request to it
rc.account().extension().put({ status: "Enabled" }).then(function () {
console.log("Success to update extension.");
}).catch(function () {
console.error("Fail to update extension.");
// Builds the url: '/account/theAccountId/extension', and make a GET request to it
rc.account("theAccountId").extension().list().then(function (extensions) {
console.log("The list of extension info", extensions.records);
}).catch(function (e) {
console.error("Get extension list error", e);
// Builds the url: '/account/~/extension/theExtensionId', and make a GET request to it
rc.account().extension('theExtensionId').get().then(function (extInfo) {
console.log("The extension info", extInfo);
}).catch(function (e) {
console.error("Get extension error", e);
import * as fs from "fs";
// Builds the url: '/account/~/extension/~/fax', and make a POST request to it
to: [{ phoneNumber: "{receiverPhoneNumber}" }],
faxResolution: 'High'
}, [ // Second argument is an array of attachments, attachment can be string, Blob, node readable stream.
"{Message text}",
fs.createReadStream("{filePath}") // In node only
// Builds the url: '/account/~/extension/~/sms', and make a POST request to it
to: [{
phoneNumber: "{receiverPhoneNumber}"
from: {
phoneNumber: "{yourSmsNumber}"
text: "Sms content"
}).then(function (messageInfo) {
let dateFrom = new Date( - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // A day ago
// Builds the url: '/account/~/extension/~/call-log/', and make a GET request to it
rc.account().extension().callLog().list({ dateFrom: dateFrom.toISOString() }).then(results => {
console.log("Recent call logs", results.records);
}, e => {
console.error("Fail to get call logs", e);
// Builds the url: '/account/~/extension/~/active-calls/', and make a GET request to it
page: 1, // Get the 1st page of the result
direction: "Inbound" // Specify the direction of the call, omit to get all directions
}).then(results => {
console.log("Active calls", results.records);
}, e => {
console.error("Fail to get active calls", e);
let subscription = rc.createSubscription();
subscription.onMessage(msg => {
let presenceEvt = msg.body;
console.log('>> telephonyStatus', presenceEvt.telephonyStatus);
console.log('>> activeCalls', presenceEvt.activeCalls);
console.log('@@ presence event', presenceEvt);
.then(subscription => {
console.log('Subscription created', subscription);
// Builds the url: '/account/~/extension/~/ringout', and make a POST request to it
from: { phoneNumber: 'xxx' },
to: { phoneNumber: 'xxx' },
callerId: { phoneNumber: 'xxx' }
}).then(ringout => {
console.log('Ringout sucess', ringout);
// To check the call status: `rc.account().extension().ringout(;`
}, e => {
console.error('Fail to ringout', e);