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zeryx zeryx

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void NetworkGenetic::allocateHostAndGPUObjects( size_t deviceRam, size_t hostRam){
long int hostGenSize = hostRam;
long int deviceGenSize = deviceRam;
std::cerr<<"total free device ram : "<<deviceRam<<std::endl;
std::cerr<<"total free host ram : "<<hostRam<<std::endl;
//this block below makes sure that the number of objects in stream is exactly half of the total amount of allocatable space on the GPU
_streamSize = deviceGenSize/(sizeof(double)*2);
while(_streamSize%_hostParams.array[2] || (_streamSize/_hostParams.array[2])&(_streamSize/_hostParams.array[2]-1)) // get the largest number divisible by the individual size, the threads in a block, and the size of a double
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2.1)
find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)
#include <neuroFunc.h>
#include <utilFunc.h>
__host__ __device__ void neuroSum(double &store, double &input){
store += input;
__host__ __device__ void neuroMulti(double &store, double &input){
store *= input;
* Created by james on 27/01/16.
import algorithmia.VideoSplits._
import org.scalatest._
//TODO: figure out how to return a data:// string instead of a string
class splitSpec extends FunSuite with Matchers{
* Created by james on 27/01/16.
import algorithmia.VideoSplits._
import com.algorithmia.Algorithmia
import org.scalatest._
case class SplitOnce(inputVideoUrl: String,
outputFolder: String,
outputFilename: String,
startTime: String,
stopTime: String) extends Inputs{
require(inputVideoUrl != null, "input video must not be null.")
require(outputFolder != null, "output folder must not be null.")
require(outputFilename != null, "output Filename must not be null.")
require(startTime != null, "start time must not be null.")
from sklearn.externals import joblib
self.svmStorage = "/tmp/svm/"
def onConnect(self, request):
print("Client connecting: {0}".format(request.peer)) = True
self.svm = joblib.load(self.svmStorage + 'my_model.pkl')
def saveSVM(self):
var itrTrain: Int = 0
trainDirectoryLabels.foreach(directory => {
val label = itrTrain
itrTrain += 1
val images = directory.listFiles.toList
images.foreach(image => {
val vec = new ImageVectorizer(image, numOfTrainLabels, label)
val imageSet: DataSet = vec.vectorize()
val imageRecordReader = new ImageRecordReader(250, 250, 3, labels)
imageRecordReader.initialize(new FileSplit(rawDir))
val iterator: DataSetIterator = new RecordReaderDataSetIterator(imageRecordReader, batchSize, 0, labels.length)
val nextData: DataSet =
val trainTest = nextData.splitTestAndTrain(0.25d)
case class SplitOnce(inputVideoUrl: String,
outputFolder: String,
outputPrefix: String,
outputExtension: String,
startTime: String,
stopTime: String) extends Inputs
//this had a runtime exeception, SplitOnce.getClass returned the SplitOnce Companion Obj