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State of Roblox graphics API across all platforms, with percentage deltas since EOY 2018. Updated December 29 2019.


API Share
Direct3D 11+ 85% (+5%)
Direct3D 10.1 8.5% (-1.5%)
Direct3D 10.0 5.5% (-2.5%)
Direct3D 9 1% (-1%)
zeux / bounds-frag.glsl
Last active July 30, 2023 04:51
Shader code used in "Approximate projected bounds" article, used for profiling with offline cycle estimation tools.
#version 450
// 2D Polyhedral Bounds of a Clipped, Perspective-Projected 3D Sphere. Michael Mara, Morgan McGuire. 2013
bool projectSphereView(vec3 c, float r, float znear, float P00, float P11, out vec4 aabb)
if (c.z < r + znear) return false;
vec3 cr = c * r;
float czr2 = c.z * c.z - r * r;
zeux / nlerpsimd.cpp
Created May 6, 2016 03:40
A very fast version of nlerp with precision tweaks to make it match slerp, with SSE2 and AVX2 optimizations.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#ifdef IACA
#include <iacaMarks.h>
zeux / builtin.lua
Created May 20, 2020 15:43
Roblox Luau type surface as of May 20, 2020
export type any=any
export type nil=nil
export type string=string
export type number=number
export type boolean=boolean
zeux / alphasort.cpp
Last active June 9, 2023 07:38
On Nature paper about sorting algorithms. Thread for context:
The Nature paper about sorting algorithms has an "improvement" for sort3 that saves a mov.
Thread for context:
This code is experimentally verifying that the proposed optimization is perf neutral
(aka is not improving performance). You'll need to remove the mov from all 3 versions
and retest; feel free to test one version at a time.
Cycle count established by using 'perf stat' on Ryzen 7 5900X - it does not depend on
whether the mov is there.
zeux / crtheap.cpp
Created February 12, 2016 08:26
Overriding CRT heap functions to use a custom allocator.
// User-defined global heap prototypes
extern void mem_global_init();
extern void mem_global_term();
extern void* mem_global_allocate(size_t size, size_t align);
extern void mem_global_deallocate(void* ptr);
extern size_t mem_global_get_size(void* ptr);
// Actual code
#define BREAK() __debugbreak()
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib")
void glview()
HDC hDC = GetDC(hWnd);
zeux /
Last active December 20, 2022 02:19
Gather best meshlet configurations (from the topology perspective) for each meshlet size limit
tl = 512
for vl in [32, 64, 96, 128, 256]:
bestx = 0
besty = 0
bests = vl
for x in range(1, vl):
for y in range(1, vl):
v = (x+1)*(y+1)
zeux / generic-permute.hpp
Created February 6, 2015 08:21
Compile-time translation of Altivec-style (constant) shuffle into SSE instructions
#pragma once
#define V_SWIZZLE_X 0
#define V_SWIZZLE_Y 1
#define V_SWIZZLE_Z 2
#define V_SWIZZLE_W 3
#define V_PERMUTE_LX 0
#define V_PERMUTE_LY 1
#define V_PERMUTE_LZ 2
a. Avoiding Catastrophic Performance Loss: Detecting CPU-GPU Sync Points
Speaker: John McDonald (NVIDIA)
b. Creating FPS Open Worlds Using Procedural Techniques
Speaker: Tom Betts (Big Robot)
c. Mantle - Introducing a New API for Graphics (Presented by AMD)
Speakers: Stephan Hodes (AMD), John Larkin (AMD), Guennadi Riguer (AMD), Gordon Selley (AMD)
d. OpenGL ES 3.0 and Beyond: How To Deliver Desktop Graphics on Mobile Platforms (Presented by Intel Corp)
Speakers: Jon Kennedy (Intel Corp), Chris Kirkpatrick (Intel Corp)
e. Optimizing Mobile Games with Gameloft and ARM (Presented by ARM)