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2024-05-25T17:29:57.866580Z DEBUG insert_verified_checkpoint: sui_core::checkpoints: Updating highest verified checkpoint checkpoint_seq=34993352
2024-05-25T17:29:57.882639Z DEBUG sui_core::checkpoints: Updating highest synced checkpoint checkpoint_seq=34993352
2024-05-25T17:29:57.904638Z DEBUG insert_verified_checkpoint: sui_core::checkpoints: Inserting certified checkpoint checkpoint_seq=34993353
2024-05-25T17:29:57.904730Z DEBUG insert_verified_checkpoint: sui_core::checkpoints: Updating highest verified checkpoint checkpoint_seq=34993353
2024-05-25T17:29:57.923939Z DEBUG sui_core::checkpoints: Updating highest synced checkpoint checkpoint_seq=34993353
2024-05-25T17:29:58.115514Z DEBUG insert_verified_checkpoint: sui_core::checkpoints: Inserting certified checkpoint checkpoint_seq=34993354
2024-05-25T17:29:58.115635Z DEBUG insert_verified_checkpoint: sui_core::checkpoints: Updating highest verified checkpoint checkpoint_seq=34993354
2024-05-25T17:29:58.184197Z DEBUG sui_core::checkpoints: Updating highest
zjshen14 / docker-compose.yaml
Created July 22, 2023 05:36
Sending network public node
version: "3.9"
image: jack0818/network:latest
- "9082:9082"
- "9085:9085"
- "2112:2112"
- "12345:12345"
- "9702:9702"
opts := badger.DefaultOptions
opts.Dir = "data1"
opts.ValueDir = "data2"
opts.TableLoadingMode = options.MemoryMap
db, _ := badger.Open(opts)
go func() {
for {
err := db.Update(func(txn *badger.Txn) error {
prefix := []byte("abc")
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
fatal error: runtime: out of memory
runtime stack:
runtime.throw(0x8ad2d4, 0x16)
/usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/panic.go:617 +0x72
runtime.sysMap(0xc338000000, 0xc000000, 0xc5e678)
/usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/mem_linux.go:170 +0xc7
runtime.(*mheap).sysAlloc(0xc46220, 0x82ac000, 0xc46230, 0x4156)
/usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/malloc.go:633 +0x1cd
runtime.(*mheap).grow(0xc46220, 0x4156, 0x0)
Zhijies-MacBook-Pro:iotex-core zjshen$ make lint-rich
Running golangcli lint...
action/action.go:194:2: ifElseChain: rewrite if-else to switch statement (gocritic)
	if pbAct.GetTransfer() != nil {
action/putblock.go:99:11: unslice: could simplify nv[:] to nv (gocritic)
			Value: nv[:],
address/address_v1.go:93:37: unslice: could simplify grouped[:] to grouped (gocritic)
zjshen14 / 1
Created October 16, 2018 22:34
zjshen14 / 8
Created October 16, 2018 22:34
const PublicKeyLength = 72
type PublicKey [PublicKeyLength]byte
func PublicKeyFromHex(hex string) PublicKey [72]byte { ... }
func PublicKeyFromBytes(bytes []byte) PublicKey [72]byte {
var pk PublicKey
if len(bytes) != PublicKeyLength {
return pk
nodeType: "full_node"
host: ""
port: 4689
- ""
numPeersLowerBound: 1
numPeersUpperBound: 1
nodeType: "full_node" # should be one of "delegate", "full_node", and "lightweight"
host: "<your_ip>"
port: 4689
- "<bootstrap_node_ip>:4689"