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module PivotApp exposing (..)
Copyright 2016 Zachary Kessin
Released under the BSD3 licence
Test your Code for better code quiality
zkessin / Main.elm
Last active April 2, 2024 20:17
Elm Architecture Hello world
module Main exposing (..)
Copyright 2016 Zachary Kessin
Released under the BSD3 licence
Test your Code for better code quiality
module Tests exposing (..)
import Test exposing (..)
import Expect
import String
import Fuzz exposing (..)
all : Test
all =
describe "Pair Fuzzer"
zkessin / erlang course.asciidoc
Created August 16, 2016 12:25
erlang course

Intro to Erlang class. This is a 4 day class that will introduce students to the Erlang Language. At the end of 4 days, students will have a good sense of how to use Erlang and its tools. Students will also have an idea of where to find resources for Erlang.

This class assumes no knowledge of Erlang before it starts and will be based around Erlang v 19.

  • Why Erlang

* Day One - Morning
** Why Elm
*** The Javascript Problem
**** Evolution of JS Libraries
***** jQuery
***** Backbone
***** ExtJS
***** Angular
***** React
cmd: { type = "leaf", home = "writeLines", value = [{ username = "alarnahope", email = "" },{ username = "alexxis_xx", email = "" },{ username = "bohotailor", email = "" },{ username = "boneandfinn", email = "" },{ username = "celebrityfashionlookbook", email = "" },{ username = "crashingred", email = "" },{ username = "damon_archbold", email = "" },{ username = "designfinder", email = "" },{ username = "emhewitt_", email = "" },{ username = "gohandco", email = "" },{ username = "houseofalexandra_co", email = "" },{ username = "iamfashionshy", email = "" },{ username = "intersectionpaddington", email = "" },{ username = "jennifer__chong", email = "" },{ username = "jes
Module MatchEmail exposing (..)
import Regex exposing (..)
bodyHasEmail : String -> Maybe String
bodyHasEmail bodyText =
let -- "\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}\b"
re = regex "\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}\b"
|> caseInsensitive
limit =(AtMost 1)
match = find limit re bodyText
D = [0-9]
L = [A-Za-z]
WS = ([\000-\s]|%.*)
C = (\:\-|\-\>)
WC = [A-Za-z0-9]
{WS} : skip_token.
loadData : CRMBox.Crm -> ModelEnc -> ( CrmData, Effects.Effects Action )
loadData crm data =
case crm of
CRMBox.Streak ->
streak =
Result.withDefault { apiKey = "", currentCrmAction = "", pipeline = "" }
<| Json.Decode.decodeValue loadStreakData data.crmData
( sdata, action ) =
formView: Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
formView address model =
Form.view (Signal.forwardTo address FormAction) model.form