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Kaiyu Zheng zkytony

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jackrusher / gcloud-tramp.el
Created June 19, 2019 13:58
Tramping into GCloud instances from within emacs
;; make sure you've set your default project with:
;; gcloud config set project <project-name>
(require 'tramp)
(add-to-list 'tramp-methods
(tramp-login-program "gcloud compute ssh")
(tramp-login-args (("%h")))
(tramp-async-args (("-q")))
(tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh")
hagemann / slugify.js
Last active October 30, 2023 09:10
Slugify makes a string URI-friendly
function slugify(string) {
const a = 'àáâäæãåāăąçćčđďèéêëēėęěğǵḧîïíīįìıİłḿñńǹňôöòóœøōõőṕŕřßśšşșťțûüùúūǘůűųẃẍÿýžźż·/_,:;'
const b = 'aaaaaaaaaacccddeeeeeeeegghiiiiiiiilmnnnnoooooooooprrsssssttuuuuuuuuuwxyyzzz------'
const p = new RegExp(a.split('').join('|'), 'g')
return string.toString().toLowerCase()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(p, c => b.charAt(a.indexOf(c))) // Replace special characters
.replace(/&/g, '-and-') // Replace & with 'and'
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word characters
MorganBorman /
Created December 9, 2012 04:33
A short example of how to use vertex array objects in PyOpenGL
import OpenGL.GL as GL
import OpenGL.GL.shaders
import ctypes
import pygame
import numpy
vertex_shader = """
#version 330
in vec4 position;
joaopizani / .screenrc
Created May 17, 2012 11:55
A killer GNU Screen Config
# the following two lines give a two-line status, with the current window highlighted
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= kG}[%{G}%H%? %1`%?%{g}][%= %{= kw}%-w%{+b yk} %n*%t%?(%u)%? %{-}%+w %=%{g}][%{B}%m/%d %{W}%C%A%{g}]'
# huge scrollback buffer
defscrollback 5000
# no welcome message
startup_message off
bhaskara / openni_record_player.launch
Created April 16, 2012 17:38
Example ROS launch file that uses depth_image_proc to convert an RGB-depth image pair into a point cloud
To distinguish between the cases where the rgb image is
1280x1024 versus 640x480. This affects the pipeline.
<arg name="high_res_rgb" default="true"/>
<arg name="cloud_input_ns" value="camera/rgb_downsampled"
if="$(arg high_res_rgb)"/>
<arg name="cloud_input_ns" value="camera/rgb" unless="$(arg high_res_rgb)"/>
joelverhagen /
Created February 12, 2012 02:14
Jekyll YouTube Embed Plugin

This is a plugin meant for Jekyll.

Example use:

Easily embed a YouTube video. Just drop this file in your _plugins directory.

{% youtube oHg5SJYRHA0 %}
ahamid / ImageUploader
Created May 27, 2011 16:51
CarrierWave mixed content upload processing
require 'carrierwave/processing/mini_magick'
class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = %w(jpg jpeg gif png)
DOCUMENT_EXTENSIONS = %w(exe pdf doc docm xls)
def store_dir
garyharan / _mixins.scss
Created May 5, 2011 15:46
Useful scss mixins (rounded corners, gradients, text-field, button)
@mixin box-shadow($top, $left, $blur, $color, $inset: false) {
@if $inset {
-webkit-box-shadow:inset $top $left $blur $color;
-moz-box-shadow:inset $top $left $blur $color;
box-shadow:inset $top $left $blur $color;
} @else {
-webkit-box-shadow: $top $left $blur $color;
-moz-box-shadow: $top $left $blur $color;
box-shadow: $top $left $blur $color;
garaemon /
Created February 17, 2011 12:24
a script to output the values of ros topics into a text file
#!/usr/bin/env python
import roslib
import rospy
import rxtools
import rxtools.rosplot
import sys