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## old
[zach@pds seer] $ go get
imports cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT)
/usr/local/src/ (from $GOPATH)
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am zmarcantel on github.
* I am zmarcantel ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4034 CEFB C46D AE9F 9807 149E F369 9D05 18B8 8A2D
To claim this, I am signing this object:
"eventUrl": "",
"name": "CanWeTest Events",
"description": "Just a test of the internal broadcast system",
"startDate": "2014-07-23T08:00:00Z",
"endDate": "2014-07-23T11:00:00Z",
"city": "Austin",
"state": "Texas",
"venue": "Bass Hall",
"pictureUrl": "",
result, err = json.MarshalIndent(someStruct, "", " ")
where someStruct is of type
type ColumnDescriptor struct {
Name string
Type string
Trying to run a simple hadoop job, but hadoop is throwing a NoClassDef on "org/w3c/dom/Document"
I'm trying to run the basic examples from the "Mahout In Action" book (
I do this using nearly the same maven setup but tooled for cassandra use rather than a file data model.
But, when I try to run the *-job.jar, it spits a NoClassDef from the datastax/hadoop end.
I'm using 1.0.5-dse of the driver as that's the only one that supports the current DSE version of Cassandra(1.2.1) if that helps at all though the issue seems to be deeper.
zmarcantel / gist:8508830
Created January 19, 2014 18:23
DataStax Java driver issues
// My class constructor
public CassandraDataModel() {
this.cluster = Cluster.builder()
// .withSSL() // Uncomment if using client to node encryption
Metadata metadata = this.cluster.getMetadata();
I'm trying to get two peers to connect to each other.
It seems, however, that the machines are only listening on the client port?
Looking at netstat, the only port being bound is my client port (4600) and each machine is saying the connection to the other was refused.
Any ideas, help, or obvious oversights?
addr = ""
bind_addr = ""
ca_file = ""
cert_file = ""
cors_origins = []
cpu_profile_file = ""
data_dir = "machines/Dock"
key_file = ""
peers = [,]
peers_file = ""
etcd_hosts: >
{% for host in groups.divvy %}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }}
{%- if not loop.last -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% endfor %}
'web': {
'hosts': ['web.0.local', 'web.1.local']
'workers': {
'hosts': ['worker.0.local', 'worker.1.local', 'worker.2.local']
'other': {