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using UserEMailNotificationSender.BL;
using UserEMailNotificationSender.Model;
namespace UserEMailNotificationSender
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
User aUser = new User("TheUser", "", false);
using UserEMailNotificationSender.Infrastucture;
using UserEMailNotificationSender.Model;
namespace UserEMailNotificationSender.BL
class SMTPNotificationSender
SMTPClient smtpClient = new SMTPClient();
public void sendNotificationForUser(User userToNotify)
using Core.Interfaces;
using Core.Model;
namespace Core.Services
public class NotificationService
SendMail sendMail;
public NotificationService(SendMail _sendMail)
namespace Core.Interfaces
public interface SendMail
void sendMail(string recipient, string subject, string message);
using Core.Model;
using Core.Services;
using Infrastucture.Services;
using System;
namespace UserEMailNotificationSender
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public void isNonPremiumUserMailSentAndValid()
var user = new User("A", "", false);
var expectedSubject = "Notification";
var expectedMessage = "Dear A this is a Notification!";
var sendMail = Mock.Create<SendMail>();
new NotificationService(sendMail).sendNotificationForUser(user);
interface SensorDevice
void powerOff();
void enable();
void disable();
bool isEnabled();
DateTime isEnabledSince();
int getFirmwareVersion();
long getSystemUptime();
int getLastReading();
namespace SensorDevices
public interface SensorDevice : DeviceControl, DeviceState, SensorReading
public interface DeviceControl
void powerOff();
int getFirmwareVersion();
long getSystemUptime();
using SensorDevices;
using FakeSensors;
using System;
namespace Console_SensorDevice_Test
static class Program
static void Main()
private async void DoWhoisLookup()
var googleWhoisLookup = new WhoisLookup(tbHostToLookup.Text);
// initiate HTTP request asynchronously
Task<string> getWhoisInfoTask = googleWhoisLookup.GetWhoisInformationsAsync();