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zspecza / vertical-rhythm.styl
Created June 3, 2013 12:43
Vertical Rhythm module from Compass ported to Stylus
// Vertical Rhythm ported from SASS/Compass
// Works exactly as before, with four exceptions:
// 1. rhythm() is a mixin, $rhythm() is a function. Stylus doesn't differentiate between same-name mixins and functions
// 2. All of the variables you're used to lack the dollar sign ($) prepend.
// 3. debug-vertical-alignment uses a temporary online image solution via
// 4. There is no h-borders alias. Use horizonatal-borders instead.
// The base font size.
base-font-size ?= 16px
# Solo Pong - Declan de Wet
# TODO: Prevent paddle from going out of the viewport
# TODO: Implement collision animations
# TODO: Music and sound
# TODO: Keyboard controls
# Create a self-instantiating shim/polyfill for the requestAnimationFrame API, if it does not exist,
zspecza / index.html
Created February 11, 2013 21:51
A CodePen by Declan de Wet. One Div CSS3 Animated Spinner - A futuristic HUD style animated loading spinner. Makes extensive use of keyframes. The intricate detailing is with thanks to CSS3 and it's :after and :before pseudo-elements. Strange case with this one is that it doesn't work as intended in Chrome. Feel free to contribute something to m…
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="description" content="Futuristic HUD single-div no-image CSS3 loading spinner" />
<title>CSS3 Loading Spinner</title>
<div id="spinner"></div>