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<script runat="server">
// set the value of a firstName variable
var firstName = "John";
var @emailAddress
/* get email address from the sendable data extension */
set @emailAddress = AttributeValue("email")
<script runat="server">
// set the value of a firstName variable
var firstName = "John";
// pass the value to an AMPscript @firstName variable
Variable.SetValue("@firstName", firstName);
<script runat="server">
// get the value of the emailaddr personalization string
var email = Attribute.GetValue("emailaddr");
Write("<br>email: " + email);
var @emailAddress
/* get email address from the sendable data extension */
set @emailAddress = AttributeValue("email")
<script runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://xxxxx/qrcode.js"></script>
set @data = ''
* @fileoverview
* - Using the 'QRCode for Javascript library'
* - Fixed dataset of 'QRCode for Javascript library' for support full-spec.
* - this library has no dependencies.
* @author davidshimjs
* @see <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
* @see <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
set @data = ''
set @qrcode = concat('', @data)
<img src="%%=v(@qrcode)=%%">
set @value = Lookup("Barcode Data","Barcode","SubscriberKey", _subscriberkey)
set @codabar = BarcodeURL(@value, "Codabar", 100, 50)
<img src="%%=v(@codabar)=%%">