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nate nowack zzstoatzz

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from enum import Enum
import logfire
import openai
from marvin import fn
from marvin.client import AsyncMarvinClient
from pydantic import BaseModel
client = openai.AsyncClient()
import functools
import os
import threading
import time
import uuid
from import FileSystemEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from prefect import flow
import asyncio
import functools
import asyncpg as apg
from prefect import flow, task
async def create_db_pool() -> apg.Pool:
pool = await apg.create_pool(
from functools import lru_cache
import marvin # pip install marvin
import praw # pip install praw
from marvin.utilities.logging import get_logger
import raggy # pip install raggy
from raggy.documents import Document, document_to_excerpts
from raggy.vectorstores.tpuf import TurboPuffer, query_namespace
package main
import (
zzstoatzz /
Last active March 2, 2024 17:00
find the last n lines of a text file assumed to end with a newline character
from pathlib import Path
def reverse_readline(filepath, N):
with'rb') as f:, 2)
filesize = f.tell()
lines_found = []
buffer = bytearray()
chunk_size = 8192 # Read in chunks of 8KB
position = filesize
import inspect
from contextlib import contextmanager
import marvin
from devtools import debug # pip install devtools
from import ChatRequest, EjectRequest
from marvin.client.openai import AsyncMarvinClient
from marvin.utilities.asyncio import run_sync
from marvin.utilities.context import ctx
from marvin.utilities.strings import count_tokens
In [1]: from pydantic import BaseModel
In [2]: import marvin
In [3]: class Book(BaseModel):
...: title: str
...: author: str
In [4]: @marvin.fn
from enum import Enum
import marvin
class Fruit(str, Enum):
apple = "apple"
cherry = "cherry"
orange = "orange"
banana = "banana"
import marvin
def rank_answers(question: str, answers: list[str], context: str) -> list[str]:
"""Rank answers to a question based on context"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
ranked_answers = rank_answers(
question="What is the best programming language?",