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Last active January 25, 2022 00:53
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Theming Slack for OSX

Theming Slack for OSX

So, you love Slack, but you hate applications with large white backgrounds? Why not use Dark Mode!

Unfortunately, Slack does not have a Dark Mode, although it's on their list of possibilities.

But, don't fret - there is a solution! Because the slack native desktop apps are just wrappers around a web app, we can inject our own CSS to customize the application to our liking.

How to (OSX Only)

Prerequisite Your custom CSS needs to be hosted somewhere accessible over HTTP. For a free option, you can use a Gist and use the link to the raw file.

  1. Open up, and navigate to any message;
  2. In the message input field, enter /, and press enter
  3. Right click any element in the app (except the team switcher on the left), and choose Inspect Element
  4. Open the Console tab
  5. Run the following snippet of JavaScript in your console, replacing the value of cssURI with the URI that points to your custom stylesheet.
// Using ajax rather than a dynamically injected <link>, to account for sites (like that don't serve
// a content-type for CSS files
var cssURI = '';
$.get(cssURI).then(function(css) {
   $('<style />').text(css).appendTo('body')

Example Dark Theme


Writing your own theme

If you know the basics of CSS and browser developer tools, writing a theme should be a breeze. You can either use the Developer Tools exposed in the Slack application itself, or you can visit https://{myteamhere} and use the browser dev tools of your choosing.

The part that's a bummer

Because you're just injecting styles in the DOM, this means that your changes do not persist when you exit and re-open the application. However, the Developer Tools will remember the last code you executed, so it should be a few keystrokes to open the panel and re-run your injection script.

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gkostov commented Jan 18, 2018

It did work for me when I tried here - both themes did load as I changed the uris.

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focus97 commented Feb 21, 2018

Lots of solutions around the web seem to only partially work. Took a few bits from them and created what works for me.

Add this code (below) to the bottom of: Contents/Resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/ssb-interop.js

(I used laCour's slack night theme and then customized the elements I wanted by finding them in the Slack Dev tools.)

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

    let tt__customCss = `
        body, .channel_header, #footer, .channel_title_info, #channel_topic_text { background: rgb(0, 43, 54); }
        .c-message__body { color: rgb(153, 174, 177); }
        #team_menu, .p-channel_sidebar { background: #023f4e !important; }
        .c-presence--active {color: rgb(177, 202, 17) !important;}
        nav.p-channel_sidebar .p-channel_sidebar__channel--selected, .p-channel_sidebar__link--selected, .c-message_list__day_divider__label__pill, .p-message_pane .c-message_list.c-virtual_list--scrollbar > .c-scrollbar__hider:before { color: #eee !important; background: rgb(27, 139, 210) !important; }
        .c-message_list__day_divider__line { border-top-color: rgb(27, 139, 210) !important}
        #msg_input, #primary_file_button { background: rgb(2, 55, 68) !important; }
        #msg_form #msg_input { border-color: transparent; }
        url: '',
        success: function(css) {
            $('<style></style>').appendTo('head').html(css + tt__customCss);

Hope it helps others!

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Thanks focus97, looks great.

For all you windows app users, you can find that file at this location:



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@focus97 thanks a lot - I also looked around a lot and your approach works the best so far. Thanks 🙇‍♂️

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jolson490 commented Apr 3, 2018

I don't have root nor sudo access on my Mac, so the solutions that involve editing a *.js file in /Applications/ aren't options for me.

Can someone please tell me is there any other option (that is known to be currently working)? I have the Slack app (Version 3.1.0) on my Mac. I went through the 5 steps in this file (for step 2. I used the workaround described by this comment. As you can see by the following screenshot, for the most part Slack looks good, except the name of the room is missing (where I have the red arrow pointing to the circled area).
screen shot 2018-04-03 at 11 16 23 am

And more importantly than the room name being invisible in that one spot, I'd be all ears if anyone has any ideas how I can automate this (so the dark theme remains in place even after re-starting the Slack app on my Mac).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thank you!

UPDATE: fyi a co-worker helped me solve this:

I created the following on my Mac (so this env var is always exported)...:

$ cat /etc/launchd.conf

...though it turns out that isn't needed, because I don't need to do step 3. after all, because I found a way to edit a Slack *.js file:

Before I gave up when it looked like only root can edit the file:

$ ls -l Contents/Resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/ssb-interop.js
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2952 Apr  4 12:35 Contents/Resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/ssb-interop.js

But I opened Finder, clicked Applications, right-click Slack, Show Package Contents, browse to Contents/Resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/ and then I edited the ssb-interop.js file.

I copied the code from into that ssb-interop.js file. (Those instructions (from that are for version 2.5.1, but I found with Slack version 3.1.0 that ssb-interop.js is actually the file that needs to be edited.) And in the "" URL I changed "/widget-/" to "/ViktorQvarfordt/", because personally I like that slightly different css better.

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devtimi commented Apr 3, 2018

FWIW I tried the JS file edit and Slack stopped being able to get past the "Connecting to Slack" window.

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@focus97 - I can't seem to give a thumbs up here, but your theme is superb. Thanks!

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aidasr commented Apr 11, 2018

@focus97 - you are a lifesaver :)

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ktyre commented Apr 17, 2018

@focus97, I've been LOVING your solution which worked for me until today. Wondering if there's an easy tweak to make it work again? I'm feeling blinded by the white background which has returned. Perhaps a class or id name was changed so the background color doesn't work anymore?

Note: Re-pasted your block of code into the ssb-interop.js file and restarted Slack just to be sure to no avail.

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hackel commented Apr 17, 2018

FYI - fix for the latest changes is here: laCour/slack-night-mode#73 (comment)

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jorgeorpinel commented Jun 7, 2018

I get "/ is not a valid command." no matter what I do. I tried to set the SLACK_DEVELOPER_MENU env var in all the ways mentioned above.

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I get "/ is not a valid command." no matter what I do. Tried to set the SLACK_DEVELOPER_MENU env var in all the ways mentioned above.

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Use this instead.

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@danilodequeiroz That works great. Thanks for that. Incredible that Slack has not properly addressed this yet.

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@danilodequeiroz that's fantastic; however, I think it'd be better if your link color (and maybe tags as well) was changed to #0000EE instead of the stale gray that it currently is. Again, just my opinion - but I think a lot of people would like it better.

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willhayslett commented Aug 27, 2018

If using the solution provided by @danilodequeiroz, you'll notice the menu links are hard to see. Use the following script to make the text white:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  let tt__customCss = `.menu ul li a:not(.inline_menu_link) {color: #fff !important;}`
      url: '',
      success: function(css) {
          $("<style></style>").appendTo('head').html(css + tt__customCss);

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Just want to say that this is awesome, just what I was looking for. Thanks so much for sharing.

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UiCandy commented Nov 13, 2018

Legend, finally my eyes can rest on Mojave. 😃

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I wrote a script I can run each time Slack updates:

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@danilodequeiroz worked immediately! Amazing!

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@danilodequeiroz thank you!

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XLPI commented Jan 2, 2019

/ is not a valid command. In Slack, all messages that start with the "/" character are interpreted as commands.

If you are trying to send a message and not run a command, try preceding the "/" with an empty space.

What can I do?

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Just got the same. I did an update and... :(
Commenting to follow while I dig into it a bit.

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