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Last active March 9, 2025 11:12
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Force Active Plan for IRCTC Quick Tatkal

🧐 How I Discovered This Bug

While looking at the authentication checker code of Chrome extension (IRCTC Quick Tatkal), I noticed that it verifies the active status from This check could be easily modified, allowing me to fool the authentication system into thinking I had an active plan. However, as soon as I visited the IRCTC website, the extension would reset my plan status to Inactive, revealing a Storage Overwrite Vulnerability. image

While using a Chrome extension (IRCTC Quick Tatkal) that interacts with, I noticed that my subscription plan status would revert to inactive upon visiting the website. After inspecting, I found that the extension modifies the stored plan status when accessing IRCTC, effectively locking out users who should have active access.

How It Works

  • Intercepts tab updates in Chrome.
  • Detects when a user opens
  • Automatically forces the plan to "A" in, overriding any extension-imposed reset.

Code Explanation

The script utilizes Chrome’s chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener() method to monitor tab updates. When the IRCTC website fully loads, the script forces the plan value in to "A" (Active). This ensures the extension remains in an unlocked state, preventing it from disabling premium features.

Code Implementation

chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
    if (changeInfo.status === "complete" && tab.url.includes("")) {
        console.log("🚨 IRCTC opened! Forcing Active Plan...");{ plan: "A" }, () => {
            console.log("✅ Plan forced to Active!");


1️⃣ Open the Chrome Extension Console

  1. Go to edge://extensions/ (or chrome://extensions/).
  2. Enable Developer Mode.
  3. Click "Inspect views" → "background page".
  4. Open the Console tab.

2️⃣ Paste & Run the Script

Copy and paste the script into the background page console and hit Enter.

3️⃣ Test It

  • Open the extension POPUP & click "Book".

  • Open the Console of the extension (F12 → Console tab) and check for:

    🚨 IRCTC opened! Forcing Active Plan...
    ✅ Plan forced to Active!


I keep mentioning Chrome though the extension vulnerability occurs on all browsers... so any would be fine.

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