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Created November 28, 2012 05:41
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Solution generator for the median-of-five problem
"Describe an algorithm that consumes five distinct comparable objects and
produces the median of these objects using a total of at most six comparisons."
Because creative thinking is hard, we use a simpler approach and try to compute
a suitable program recursively. Programs are represented by a tree of
comparisons at the internal nodes and resulting indices at the leaves.
The following code has been tested with Python 2.6.8, 2.7.3, and 3.3.0.
from itertools import combinations
def solve(n, m):
Determine a program to calculate the median of n distinct items using no
more than m comparisons.
n is assumed to be odd.
# Start with no known comparisons and all possible remaining
# comparisons.
return solve_helper(n, m, set(), set(combinations(range(n), 2)))
def solve_helper(n, m, cs, rem):
Determine a program to calculate the median of n distinct items using no
more than m comparisons, given the set of true comparisons cs and the set
of available comparisons rem.
# Find the median, if we can.
for i in range(n):
less, more = 0, 0
for a, b in cs:
if i == a:
less += 1
elif i == b:
more += 1
if less == n // 2 == more:
return i
# Not allowed any further comparisons.
if m <= 0:
return None
# Attempt all the guesses possible at this point.
for g in rem:
rem_new = rem - set([g])
t = solve_helper(n, m - 1, add_transitively(cs, g), rem_new)
if t is None:
f = solve_helper(n, m - 1, add_transitively(cs, (g[1], g[0])), rem_new)
if f is None:
return g, t, f
return None
def add_transitively(cs, new):
Add the comparison new to the set of comparisons cs, along with any other
comparisons that are implied by transitivity.
result = set(cs)
queue = [new]
while queue:
n = queue.pop(0)
for c in result:
extra = None
if n[0] == c[1]:
extra = c[0], n[1]
elif n[1] == c[0]:
extra = n[0], c[1]
if (extra is not None and
extra not in result and
extra not in queue):
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
from pprint import pprint
pprint(solve(5, 6))
def run_program(p, i):
Run program p with input i.
# Is it an internal node?
comparison = p[0]
except TypeError:
# No, it's a leaf.
return i[p]
# Continue down the correct subtree.
if i[comparison[0]] < i[comparison[1]]:
return run_program(p[1], i)
return run_program(p[2], i)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from itertools import permutations
# This tree is produced in under a second on my machine by the naive
# generator.
p = ((0, 1),
((2, 3),
((1, 3),
((2, 4),
((1, 4), ((1, 2), 2, 1), ((0, 4), 4, 0)),
((1, 2), ((1, 4), 4, 1), ((0, 2), 2, 0))),
((0, 4),
((3, 4), ((0, 3), 3, 0), ((2, 4), 4, 2)),
((0, 3), ((0, 2), 2, 0), ((3, 4), 4, 3)))),
((1, 2),
((3, 4),
((1, 4), ((1, 3), 3, 1), ((0, 4), 4, 0)),
((1, 3), ((1, 4), 4, 1), ((0, 3), 3, 0))),
((0, 4),
((2, 4), ((0, 2), 2, 0), ((3, 4), 4, 3)),
((0, 2), ((0, 3), 3, 0), ((2, 4), 4, 2))))),
((2, 3),
((1, 2),
((0, 4),
((0, 2), ((2, 4), 2, 4), ((0, 3), 0, 3)),
((2, 4), ((3, 4), 3, 4), ((0, 2), 0, 2))),
((3, 4),
((1, 3), ((0, 3), 0, 3), ((1, 4), 1, 4)),
((1, 4), ((0, 4), 0, 4), ((1, 3), 1, 3)))),
((1, 3),
((0, 4),
((0, 3), ((3, 4), 3, 4), ((0, 2), 0, 2)),
((3, 4), ((2, 4), 2, 4), ((0, 3), 0, 3))),
((2, 4),
((1, 2), ((0, 2), 0, 2), ((1, 4), 1, 4)),
((1, 4), ((0, 4), 0, 4), ((1, 2), 1, 2))))))
for i in permutations(range(5)):
assert 2 == run_program(p, i), i
# Exploiting the symmetry of the produced tree (and with the help of some
# uglification tricks), it's possible to write a compact form of the solution
# in Python which "obviously" uses exactly 6 comparisons between the input
# items.
from operator import gt, lt
def median_of_five(L):
a = [gt, lt][lt(L[0], L[1])]
b = (6 - a(L[2], L[3])) // 2
c, d = [(5 - b, b), (1, 0)][a(L[1], L[5 - b])]
e, f = 4, abs(b - d)
if a(L[abs(d - b)], L[4]): e, f = f, e
g = a(L[f], L[c])
h, i = [c, [e, f][g], d][g:g+2]
return L[[h, i][a(L[h], L[i])]]
if __name__ == '__main__':
from itertools import permutations
for i in permutations(range(5)):
assert 2 == median_of_five(i), i
assert 'c' == median_of_five(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
assert 'c' == median_of_five(['b', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'c'])
assert 'm' == median_of_five(['b', 'z', 'y', 'm', 'a'])
assert (1, 2) == median_of_five([(1, 2), (3, 4), (0, 2), (1, 0), (5, 5)])
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