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Last active December 20, 2015 17:58
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The reporting view.
Column Name Type Size Description
user_id varchar 32 Talenthouse Frontend user id, 32 char hash
first_name varchar 64 from TH User
last_name varchar 64 from TH User
email varchar 128 from TH User
language varchar 2 from TH User
create_date date from TH User, date the user signed up
th_supporter_count int from TH User, current amount of users supporting this user
facebook_id varchar 32 from TH User
nickname varchar 200 from TH User, internal nickname, can be used for login, was once customizeable, now generated
birth_date date from TH User, optional
country varchar 2 from TH User, optional
city varchar 64 from TH User, optional
th_url varchar 200 from TH User, direct link to profile
artwork_count int current number of artworks
profile_comments_count int current number of profile comments
artwork_comments_count int current number of artwork comments
invite_count int current number of invites this user has created
profile_view_count int current number of views this user has on his profile
artwork_view_count decimal 32 current number of views this user has on his artwork (via join)
fb_friends_count int current number of facebook friends
tw_friends_count int current number of twitter friends
sponsor_id int current sponsor id
tw_user_id int current twitter user id
gender varchar 50 from TH user
twitter_url varchar 73 joined from tw_profile table
twitter_handle varchar 50 joined from tw_profile table
sponsor_name varchar 255 joined from th_sponsor table
revenue_generated double joined from th_sponsor_interactinos table
number_of_shares bigint joined from th_sponsor_interactinos table, only fb_share and twitter_tweet events
facebook_url varchar 200 joined from fb_profile table
submission_count bigint joined from th_submissions table
updated_on datetime date this user was last inserted to the th_frontend_user table
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