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Forked from Porges/trampoline.fs
Created February 27, 2024 06:40
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open System
open System.Diagnostics
type InteractionF<'f> =
| Get of (string -> 'f)
| Put of string * 'f
static member map f = function
| Get g -> Get (f << g)
| Put (s, g) -> Put (s, f g)
module Trampoline =
type Trampoline<'a> =
| Step of Step<'a>
| Bind of IBind<'a>
// existential, should not be used to wrap Bound directly
// - the .bind function must be used to re-associate
member this.resume () : Step<'a> =
match this with
| Step s -> s
| Bind b -> b.Bound()
member this.bind (f : 'a -> Trampoline<'b>) =
// rewrite binds to be right-associative
match this with
| Bind b -> b.Rebind(f)
| Step s -> Bind(Bound(s, f))
and Intermediate<'a> = InteractionF<Trampoline<'a>>
and Step<'a> = Yield of 'a | Suspend of (unit -> Intermediate<'a>)
and IBind<'a> =
abstract member Bound : unit -> Step<'a>
abstract member Rebind<'r> : ('a -> Trampoline<'r>) -> Trampoline<'r>
and Bound<'a, 'b> (a : Step<'a>, f : ('a -> Trampoline<'b>)) =
interface IBind<'b> with
member this.Bound () =
match a with
| Yield v -> f(v).resume()
| Suspend k -> Suspend (fun () -> Intermediate<'b>.map (fun (x : Trampoline<'a>) -> x.bind(f)) (k()))
member this.Rebind (f') = Bind(Bound(a, fun x -> f(x).bind(f')))
// This isn't strictly necessary but here as an optimization,
// (it's a specialized version of Bound).
and Delay<'a> (f : unit -> Trampoline<'a>) =
interface IBind<'a> with
member this.Bound () = f().resume()
member this.Rebind(f') = Bind(Delay(fun () -> f().bind(f')))
let rec run (x : Trampoline<'a>) (interpreter : Intermediate<'a> -> Trampoline<'a>) =
let rec go (x : Trampoline<'a>) =
match x.resume() with
| Yield a -> a
| Suspend k -> go (interpreter (k()))
go x
let result x = Step (Yield x)
let delay f = Bind(Delay(f))
let define (k : InteractionF<'a>) : Trampoline<'a> = Step (Suspend (fun () -> Intermediate<_>.map (Step << Yield) k))
open Trampoline
type TrampolineBuilder() =
member this.Return x = result x
member this.ReturnFrom x = x
// without Delay type, you can use 'Bind(Bound(Done (), f)))'
member this.Delay f = delay f
member this.Bind(x : Trampoline<_>, f) = x.bind(f)
let trampoline = TrampolineBuilder()
let get : Trampoline<string> = define (Get id)
let put (s : string) : Trampoline<unit> = define (Put(s, ()))
let rec ex = trampoline {
do! put "Hi, everybody! What's your name?"
let! name = get
do! put ("Hello, " + name)
return name
let rec inc a = trampoline {
if a = 1 then return 1
let! x = inc (a - 1)
return x + 1
let interpret (f : Intermediate<'a>) : Trampoline<'a> =
match f with
| Get cont -> Console.ReadLine() |> cont
| Put (str, cont) -> Console.WriteLine(str); cont
let main _ =
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
printfn "%A" (run (inc 10000) interpret)
printfn "%A" sw.Elapsed
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