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- This database includes conversations/stories/moments/etc. that I thought people might want to go back to or that I thought were worth noting.
- I tried to describe things as best as I could, sometimes using multiple keywords for the same thing, to make them easier to find later (especially when you don't remember the exact way it was said/described on the podcast)
Tip: If you use a text editor that allows you to search with wildcards/RegEx (Regular Expression) then it's easier to find stuff. For example- "Burnie.*steak.*hotel" will bring up all the instances that has those keywords in the same line in that order (when a dot [.] isn't configured to match new lines)
- I tried to gather related stories/conversations/subjects that came up across different podcasts to make them easier to find, since you only need to locate one of them to find them all.
- The timestamps are based on: