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Created June 30, 2022 18:09
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Add Helio Transactions to Google Sheets

Want to see your Helio orders automatically show in Google? Helio now supports integration with Google Sheets. This tutorial shows you how to connect your Google Sheets with Helio and get automatic transactions.

Note: if you want to retrieve your Helio transactions manually, you can export a .csv file here

Get Started

To get started, create a google sheets

Once created you should be looking at new spreadsheet

Plain google sheet

Next, go to Extensions -> App Script

Select Apps Script from extensions

You should then be looking at a text editor like the one below. It might ask you to connect your google account.

The empty Apps Script project

The next step might look scary, but all the code has been provided to you, simply copy below and paste it into the text editor.

TIP: Make sure to remove the starter 'myFunction' function





Add your...

HELIO_API_KEY (Join our Discord @ and ask for one)

PUBLIC_KEY (The wallet Public Key you use for Helio, for example if you are using a wallet browser you can find

it in the extension)

Then select the main function at the top and press Run!

HOW IT WORKS: This script gets your recent Helio transactions, checks if they are not already on the sheet and then appends the

data below the headers, sorting by most recently purchased.



// Add your values here



const  HEADERS = [





"Phone Number",

"Shipping Address",

"Time Purchased (UTC)"



function  getRecentTransactions(API_KEY, PK) {

try {

const  response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(''+PK, {

method: 'get',

headers: {

'Authorization': 'Bearer '+ API_KEY,



if (response.getResponseCode() == 200) {


return  JSON.parse(response.getContentText());


} catch (e) {





function  writeRecentTransactions(helioTransactions, headers) {

// Get the google sheet

var  sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();


const  firstRow = sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, headers.length);

const  firstRowValues = firstRow.getValues()[0]


if (!arraysEqual(headers, firstRowValues)) {





for (let  index = 0; index < helioTransactions.length; ++index) {

item = helioTransactions[index];

const  secondRow = sheet.getRange(2, 1, 1, headers.length);

secondRow.insertCells(SpreadsheetApp.Dimension.ROWS); //Push rows down by one


item.fullName ?? item.from,

item.twitterUsername ?? 'N/A',

item.discordUsername ?? 'N/A', ?? 'N/A',

item.phoneNumber ?? 'N/A', // not supported yet

item.shippingAddress ?? 'N/A',




console.log("ADDED NEW TRANSACTION: " + item.time);




function  arraysEqual(a, b) {

if (a === b) return  true;

if (a == null || b == null) return  false;

if (a.length !== b.length) return  false;


for (var  i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {

if (a[i] !== b[i]) return  false;


return  true;



function  main() {

const  helioTransactions = getRecentTransactions(HELIO_API_KEY, PUBLIC_KEY);

if (helioTransactions != null) {

console.log('RECIEVED: Transaction data');

writeRecentTransactions(helioTransactions, HEADERS);

} else {

throw  new  Error('ERROR: could not get helio transactions');



Then add your Helio API key and your wallet public Key (line 15-16). You can get a Helio API key by from the team by joining the Helio Discord. Your screen should now look like something like this:

Text editor after copying the code

Nearly there, next you need to run the 'main' function (by default is set to writeRecentTransactions). In the top bar, click the dropdown next to 'Debug' and select 'Main'.

Select main from the dropdown menu

Finally at the top. Press 'Run'. If it is the first time running, you might need to approve some messages from Google. If it all goes well you should have successful messages coming up. If you go back to your sheets it should your new transactions!

HELP: If for whatever reason your code fails to run, join our Discord and ask one of the team for help! We will get back to you fast (:

New transactions showing up in the sheets

Congratulations, you have now connected Helio to Google Sheets. Finally we can add automation to so you don't need to follow these steps every time.

Add Automation to Your Google Sheets

To add automation, go back to your Google App Script tab, on the left side menu open click the clock icon 'Triggers'.

Click Triggers at the left menu

Now on the Triggers menu click 'Add Trigger' at the bottom right and you should be greeted with a menu.

For 'Choose which function to run', select 'Main' For 'Choose which deployment should run', select 'Head' For 'Select event source', select 'Time-driven'

Now for 'Select type of time based trigger' and 'Select [time] interval', choose the one that is most sutable for you. This basically means how often the sheets will update. We recommend choosing minutes, or hours. For this tutorial I chose 1 hour.

Add Trigger menu

Once you press save, you are finished!

🥳 Congratulations, you have now connected Helio to Google Sheets for automatic transaction updates. That was not hard right?

Any questions message the Helio team, and follow the Medium for more simple tutorials.

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